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Authors: 超级管理员 | Edit: zhaoxf
The South and Southeast Asia MPZ includes India, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Myanmar, Nepal, Thailand and Vietnam. This monitoring period covers the harvest of the winter crops, mainly wheat in India and Bangladesh, dry season rice, as well as the planting of the main rice crop in the entire MPZ. For South and Southeast Asia, agroclimatic conditions were average during this period with close-to-average RAIN (-2%), TEMP (-0.5°C), RADPAR (+0%) and BIOMSS (+3%) compared to the 15YA. Meanwhile, compared with the last 5YA, CALF was increased by 6%, reaching 82% and VCIx was 0.88. In general, the crop conditions in South and Southeast Asia are close to average.
The spatial distribution of rainfall profiles showed the precipitation in this MPZ was close to average before mid-May. Rainfall in 28% of the region (southern and northern India, Thailand and a small area of northern Vietnam) was above the average with slight fluctuations. 35.7% of the MPZ (southern and eastern India, Myanmar, Cambodia and Vietnam) had slightly below average conditions all along the reporting period. The precipitation in 13.8% of the MPZ (Eastern India and Nepal) showed above-average conditions with two strong fluctuations from mid-May to mid-June. Rainfall of central India quickly rose to above average in late July. The spatial distribution of temperature profiles showed 61.1% of the MPZ was close to average during the entire monitoring period, mainly in southern India and Southeast Asia. Other regions showed below-average TEMP conditions with heavy fluctuations from May to June but stayed near average in July.
The BIOMSS departure map showed values higher than the average for most of the region, below-average conditions were mainly observed in northern India, eastern India and Nepal. Minimum VHI showed severe drought conditions in northern India, eastern India, central Myanmar and western Cambodia. This may be due to reduced precipitation and higher solar radiation which can be seen from the spatial distribution of rainfall.
In summary, the crop condition of this MPZ is expected to be near average. Conditions are somewhat critical in eastern India, Myanmar and northern Vietnam.
a. Spatial distribution of rainfall profiles
b. Spatial distribution of temperature profiles
c. Maximum VCI
d. Cropped and uncropped arable land
e. Potential biomass departure from 5YA
f. VHI Minimum