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NigeriaMain producing and exporting countries

Authors: 超级管理员 | Edit: zhaoxf

Figure.X (g)Maximum VCI

The maximum VCI graph showed that both the lower values and higher values were found across the northern part of the country stretching towards the middle part, while the middle part towards the southern part of the country was dominated with higher values.

Figure.X (h) Rainfall

The CropWatch agroclimatic indicators show that Rainfall doubled the 15YA in early April with a sharp decline from mid-April towards May. It rose to near average in early May but decline towards June and then rose significantly above the average from June to mid-June, with another sharp decline towards July going far below average and then suddenly increased to the 15YA once again through the middle of July.

The report shows that even though rainfall fluctuated throughout the monitoring period, generally, a significant amount was recorded standing at only a decrease of 14% which is an improvement from the previous year that stood at 42% below the 15YA.


Figure.X (i) Temperature

The temperature was near the average through out the reporting period.

Figure.X (a) Crop condition development graph based on NDVI for Humid forest

In the Humid Forest, the precipitation is quiet high as compared to other regions, however it decreased by -20% whereas the average temperature was at 25.6oC. The radiation increased by 1% and the BIOMSS decreased by -5%. The CALF was near the 5YA at 98% and the maximum VCI was 0.91. According to the NDVI development graph, crop conditions in the zone were below average throughout the monitoring period.

Figure.X (b) Crop condition development graph based on NDVI for Humid forest-Derived_savanna

The Derived savanna region is a transition zone between the Guinea savanna and Humid Forest zones. The rainfall decreased by 10% and the temperature was at 26.7°C. The radiation increased by 1% compared to the 15YA and the BIOMSS fell below the 15YA at                 -5. The CALF was 98% and the maximum VCI was 0.90. According to the NDVI development graph, crop conditions in the region were slightly below average in April, but by May, they were on the average and again went below average between late May and June and even furthermore through the remaining period of reporting.

Figure.X (c) Crop condition development graph based on NDVI for Humid forest-Soudano_sahelian

Sudan-Sahel savanna zone, the agro-climatic condition showed that rainfall decreased by 1% which is very near average, and an overall temperature at 31.10C was near the 15YA. The radiation decreased by -2%. Likewise, the BIOMSS decreased by -3% compared to the 15YA due to decline in rain and associated cloud cover. However, CALF was 51% and the maximum VCI was 0.71. According to the NDVI development graph, crop conditions were exactly on the average between April and May and went slightly below average between May and June, it  climbed back to average from April to May and then below average from June to July.


Figure.X (d) Crop condition development graph based on NDVI for Humid forest-)Guinean_savanna

The Guinea savanna region is predominantly located in the central region of the country. Temperature was at 28.4°C, Rain decreased by 12%, while RADPAR was -1% lower, and BIOMSS was down by             -6%. The CALF was 86% and the maximum VCI was 0.76.  According to the NDVI development graph, crop conditions in the region were on the average between April to June and went below average for the rest of the reporting period.

Figure.X Click to edit

Figure.X (f) NDVI Depature Clustering

As shown in the spatial NDVI profiles and distribution map, 40% of the total cropped areas in the north were above the 5YA in April till May starts to experience a slight decline towards June and July. About 33.3% of the total cropped areas were above the 5YA all through the period and went further up in the middle of June. Overall, the crop conditions in most of the cropped areas were on the average which can be attributed to the improvement in the rainfall.