
wall bulletin
North AmericaCrop and environmental conditions in major production zones

Authors: 超级管理员 | Edit: zhuliang

This reporting period covers the middle to late stages of spring wheat, which reached maturity in August. Rice, soybean and maize entered the harvest period in September. Unfavorable crop conditions occurred in the northern plains and prairies, with above-average crop conditions prevailing in other areas.

Agro-climatic conditions were dominated by warm, wet and sunny weather throughout the region, with rainfall, temperature and RADPAR 17%, 0.6°C and 3% above average, respectively, resulting in a potential biomass estimate that was 8% higher than the average. However, there were large differences within this region.

During this period, rainfall showed strong spatial and temporal differences across the region, with rainfall in the northern plains and prairies below the average and rainfall in other areas significantly above the average. Compared with the variation of rainfall, the temperature fluctuated more, especially in the northern plains and prairies, where the temperature dropped significantly at the end of August and then returned to significantly above average in mid-September.

The effects of the drought that occurred in the previous period in the northern plains and prairie areas continued into the current period. The potential biomass was significantly below average, mainly in the prairies. The spatial distribution of potential biomass that was below average was consistent with the drought that occurred in the region, indicating the prolonged negative impact of drought on crop condition. The prolonged effects of the drought resulted in a 2% decrease in CALF compared to the 5-year average. Overall, the VCIx (0.86) indicated acceptable crop conditions, though poor crop conditions were widely observed in the northern plains and prairies. Areas with above-average potential biomass and high VCIx were mainly distributed in the southeastern part of the North American region, including the Corn Belt, Southern Plains, Lower Mississippi and major areas of the Southeast in the United States. The cropland utilization intensity increased compared to the 5YA, with a cropping intensity of 103%, 2% higher than the 5YA, contributing to crop production improvement.

In summary, mixed crop conditions was assessed by CropWatch in North America, with crop production tending to decline in north plains and prairies, resulting in lower-than-average wheat production. Above-average production can be expected for maize, soybeans and rice.

Figure.X Spatial distribution of rainfall profiles, July to October 2021

Figure.X Spatial distribution of temperature profiles, July to October 2021

Figure.X Potential biomass departure from 15YA, July to October 2021

Figure.X VHI Minimum, July to October 2021

Figure.X Maximum VCI, July to October 2021

Figure.X Cropped and uncropped arable land, July to October 2021

Figure x Cropping intensity (November 2020 to October 2021)