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Authors: 超级管理员 | Edit: zhuliang
The reporting period covers the main growing period of wheat and the planting of early maize and rice. Part of the area is not left fallow during the dry winter months. The situation in South America is regular to poor. The Central area was dominated by normal conditions, while for the North of the MPZ in Brazil and West Argentinian agricultural areas, several indices reflected poor conditions.
Spatial distribution of rainfall profiles showed five different patterns. A pattern with no anomalies from July to mid-September, and with negative anomalies since then to the end of the reporting period, was observed in the North of the MPZ, as well as in North Chaco in Argentina (blue areas). A stable pattern with almost no anomalies (red areas) was observed in the Central area, as well as in Subtropical highlands, West and South-West Pampas. A pattern with slight negative anomalies during July and August and strong positive anomalies during October was observed in South Brazil, Paraguay and North Mesopotamia in Argentina (dark green). The rest of the area including most of the Pampas, Uruguay and Brazilian southern border area were dominated by either a pattern with almost no anomalies or a pattern with positive anomalies since mid-September to mid-October.
Temperature profiles showed five homogeneous patterns located in a South-North gradient (Figure 2.3c/d). All profiles showed variability between positive and negative anomalies with smaller changes during July and the beginning of August. Areas located more in the South, including Argentina, Uruguay and South of Brazil (orange areas), showed low variation in anomalies during the reporting period, except for a strong positive anomaly at the end of October. Red areas showed stronger anomalies (near +2.5°C) and mid-October (near -2°C). Blue areas showed positive anomalies from mid-August to the beginning of October reaching a peak of near +4°C, followed by a strong negative anomaly of -2°C at mid-October. Dark and light green areas showed positive anomalies since mid-August, showing higher values for the dark green areas.
CALF index showed uncropped areas in North West Pampas, West Chaco and North Subtropical Highlands in Argentina, and in some regions of the Northern Brazilian agricultural area. Strong BIOMSS negative anomalies were observed in the North of Brazilian agricultural area. Argentine Pampas, Chaco, South Mesopotamia, Paraguay and Uruguay were dominated by situations with no anomalies or lower than 20% positive anomalies. Central and South Brazilian agricultural area showed in part slight positive anomalies and in part slight negative anomalies. Average cropping intensity for the region was 133%, 7% above average. Double cropping practices were commonly found in Brazil, including Southern Brazil, Parana Basin and part of Mato Grosso and Mato Grosso Du Sol.
Maximum VCI showed mostly poor conditions (lower than 0.8). North West Pampas and Subtropical highlands in Argentina showed very poor conditions (lower than 0.5). Quite good conditions in VCIx were observed in Paraguay, Uruguay, South Brazil and part of South East Pampas.
Meteorological drought showed normal conditions in most of the region but severe to moderate conditions in North of Brazilian agricultural areas. Some areas located in North West Pampas, West Subtropical Highlands and North Mesopotamia in Argentina, West Paraguay and its border area with Brazil, showed moderate to severe wet conditions.
Figure 2.3. South America MPZ: Agro-climatic indicators, July 2021–October 2021.
a. Spatial distribution of rainfall profiles b. Profiles of rainfall departure from average (mm).
c. Spatial distribution of temperature profiles d. Profiles of temperature departure from average (°C).
e. Cropped and uncropped arable land.
f. Potential biomass departure from 15YA.
g. Maximum VCI.
h. Cropping intensity November 2020 to October 2021
i. Meteorological drought measured by standard precipitation index, August–October, 2021