
wall bulletin
Western EuropeCrop and environmental conditions in major production zones

Authors: 超级管理员 | Edit: zhuliang

2.6 Western Europe

The monitoring period covered the vegetative and reproductive periods of summer crops and the sowing of winter crops in the major production zone (MPZ) of Western Europe. Generally, crop conditions were above average in most parts of the Western European MPZ based on the integration of agroclimatic and agronomic indicators (Figure 2.6).

CropWatch agroclimatic indicators show that the whole MPZ showed a significant increase in RAIN (16% above average). Rainfall patterns can be characterized as follows: (1) above-average precipitation throughout the whole MPZ until early August; (2) precipitation hovered around the average in 67.9 percent of the MPZ areas (most parts of Spain, UK, northern Germany, Denmark, North-west and north-east and central Italy, southern Mid-West and northern France, the Czech Republic, south-western Slovakia, eastern Austria and western Hungary) from mid-August to late-October; (3) precipitation was below average from mid-August to late October, with the exception of late August, in 30.2% of the MPZ areas (north-eastern France and most part of Germany); (4) precipitation in northern Italy and northeastern Rhône-Alpes in France was significantly above average during the monitoring period, except between mid-August and early September and in mid-late October. Countries with the most severe precipitation departures included Hungary (RAIN -35%), Slovakia (RAIN -13%), Spain (RAIN -9%) and Italy (RAIN -6%). Due to persistent and significant precipitation deficit, flowering and grain filling for the summer crops in the countries with precipitation deficits mentioned above were negatively impacted. The persistent precipitation deficit in October may affect the sowing and germination of winter wheat in those regions.

CropWatch agroclimatic indicators also show that both temperature (TEMP -0.6°C) and sunshine (RADPAR, -1%for the MPZ as a whole were below average.  As shown in the spatial distribution of rainfall profiles, 46.7 percent of the MPZ areas (most parts of France and central and southern Germany) experienced colder-than-usual conditions throughout the monitoring period, except for late-August and early-September; 27.6 percent of the MPZ areas (Spain, central and south-eastern Italy, the Czech Republic, south-western Slovakia, eastern Austria and western Hungary) experienced temperatures hovering around the average throughout the monitoring period; 25.7 percent of the MPZ areas (UK, Denmark and northern Germany) experienced warmer-than-usual conditions during the monitoring period, except for the period from late July to late August. The spatial distribution of temperature profiles indicates that the first warm spells swept across the UK, Denmark and northern Germany in mid-July, and the second warm spells swept across most of Europe in early September. 

Due to adequate precipitation and overall suitable temperatures, the biomass accumulation potential was 5% above average. Significant BIOMSS departures (-20% and less) occurred in central France, northern and central Italy, south-western Germany, northern and eastern Spain. In contrast, BIOMSS was above average (sometimes exceeding a 20% departure) over the Western and north-eastern France, southern UK, northern Germany and southern Spain. The average maximum VCI for the MPZ reached 0.97. More than 90% of arable land was cropped, which is the same as the recent five-year average. Most uncropped arable land was concentrated in Spain and southeastern Italy, with patchy distribution in central France, western Germany, western Austria, northern and central Italy. The VHI minimum map shows that Spain and Italy were most affected by severe drought conditions, which is consistent with the presence of precipitation deficits in these two countries during the monitoring period. Cropping intensity reached 118%, which was up by 10% compared to the five-year-average across the MPZ.

Generally, crop conditions were above average in most parts of this MPZ. Crop yields in some countries need to be paid attention to due to persistent and significantly precipitation deficits in the second half of the monitoring period.

Figure 2.6a. Western Europe MPZ spatial distribution of rainfall profiles (left) and profiles of rainfall departure from average (mm) (right), July-October 2021

Figure 2.6b. Western Europe MPZ spatial distribution of temperature profiles (left) and profiles of temperature departure from average (℃) (right), July-October 2021

Figure 2.6c. Western Europe MPZ maximum VCI, July-October 2021

Figure 2.6d. Western Europe MPZ cropped and uncropped arable land, July-October 2021

Figure 2.6e. Western Europe MPZ biomass accumulation potential departure, July-October 2021

Figure 2.6f. Western Europe MPZ VHI minimum, July-October 2021

Figure 2.6g. Western Europe MPZ cropping intensity, November 2020-October, 2021