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Authors: 超级管理员 | Edit: zhuliang
2.7 Central Europe to Western Russia
The monitoring period covers the harvest period of summer crops and the sowing period of winter crops. In general, the agroclimatic indicators in this MPZ were close to average, including 11% lower precipitation, temperature near average and 3.8% higher photosynthetic active radiation.
According to the spatial distribution map of rainfall departure, the spatial and temporal differences of accumulated precipitation in different regions within this MPZ were considerable, and the rainfall in most areas was below the average from July to October. The regional and temporal distribution characteristics were as follows:
(1) In early July and mid-August, 31.1% of the regions received above-average precipitation and reached the highest positive departure level of 97 mm. These regions were mainly located in the eastern, central and southern parts of the MPZ, including the southeastern and central regions of Russia, eastern and southern Ukraine, Moldova and eastern Romania. (2) In late August and mid-September, 34.6% of the regions received above-average precipitation. These regions were mainly distributed in the northern Ukraine, northwestern Russia, southern Belarus, Poland and Romania. (3) During the entire monitoring period, for 34.3% of the regions, the precipitation remained at the average level, mainly in the eastern parts of Russia.
The temperature departure distribution map shows that the temperature varied strongly within the MPZ. The specific spatial and temporal distribution characteristics were as follows.
(1) In late July, temperatures were below average in 25.5% of the MPZ in the northeast. (2) In August, temperatures were above average in 66% , mainly in the southern Romania, eastern Ukraine and Russia. (3) Temperatures were well below average from mid-September to early October, in 7.5% of the MPZ, located in southeastern Russia, where temperatures dropped to 21°C below zero (-21°C). However, by that time, most crops had reached maturity.
CropWatch monitoring results show that potential biomass in the MPZ was 5% below the average of the last 5 years. Potential cumulative biomass was below 20% in eastern Russia, western Ukraine, western Moldova, most of Romania and a small part of Hungary. It was slightly negative for Western Russia, most of Belarus and parts of western Poland. The areas with high potential biomass are mainly located in central and small parts of southern Russia and the central Ukraine.
During this monitoring period, most of the arable land in the MPZ was cultivated, with a CALF value of 96% (an increase of slightly higher than 1%), the uncultivated arable land was mainly distributed in the southeast. The replanting index was 5% above average. The VCIx showed a significant spatial variation, with an average value of 0.87. The regions with values below 0.8 were mainly in Hungary and small parts of northwestern and southern Romania. The minimum healthy vegetation index is similar to the distribution of the best vegetation condition, with severe drought areas mainly in the southeast and small parts of the central and eastern Ukraine, Hungary, and southern Romania. Overall, CropWatch agroclimatic and agronomic indicators show that crop growth was mixed, but generally favorable during this monitoring period.
a. Spatial distribution of rainfall profiles b. Profiles of rainfall departure from average (mm)
c. Spatial distribution of temperature profiles d. Profiles of temperature departure from average (℃)
e. Potential biomass departure from 5YA
f. Cropped and uncropped arable land
g. Maximum VCI
h. VHI Minimum
i. Cropping intensity (2020)