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Authors: 超级管理员 | Edit: zhuliang
The current monitoring period (July to October) covered the peak of the summer crops in July until the harvest in September and October in northeast China. The crops including maize, rice and soybeans, reached maturity stage in August to September in Heilongjiang, Jilin and Liaoning provinces, and the harvest was mostly completed by the end of October. Overall, crop growth in northeast China was normal. Precipitation in northeast China was 36% higher than the average level, the average temperature was 0.1 °C lower, and the photosynthetic effective radiation was 2% lower. Temperatures in mid-July and late July were higher than the average level, and after August they were in line with the average. During the monitoring period, the potential biomass in northeast China was 22% above the fifteen-year average. The eastern parts of northeast China were slightly lower than average, while the western parts of northeast China were significantly above average. This could be attributed to the abundant rainfall and moderate temperature in northeast China during the current monitoring season.
The spatial distribution map of the VCI shows that the crops in the whole northeast region were in good conditions, with VCIx values higher than 0.8 in almost all areas, except for small parts near the rivers. In general, crops in northeast China grow well in 2021, with good prospects for crop yield.
Figure 4.10 Crop condition China Northeast region, July-October 2021
(a) Crop condition development graph based on NDVI
(b) Spatial distribution of NDVI profiles
(c) Time series temperature profile
(d) Time series rainfall profile
(e) Maximum VCI
(f) Potential biomass departure from 15YA