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Authors: 超级管理员 | Edit: qinxl
This reporting period begins in October 2021 and ends in January 2022. The winter wheat is the dominant crop, and this reporting period covers the sowing, tillering, and overwintering periods of winter wheat. Overall, crop conditions for the winter wheat were below average due to a lack of precipitation, especially in the Southern Plains.
Precipitation was below average (RAIN: 264 mm; -15%), whereas temperatures (TEMP: 6.3℃; +1.1ºC) and radiation (555 MJ/㎡; +4%) were above the 15YA. The Southern Plains, the main winter crop growing area, received below-average rainfall. At the same time, the region also experienced significantly warmer temperatures. The rainfall deficit was most severe in December, leading to the onset and development of drought, as indicated by the minimum vegetation health index (VHIn). Dry and warming weather has little influence on winter wheat sowing but harmed winter wheat tillering. The negative deviation in potential biomass (<-20%) also confirms the unfavorable conditions in this region. For the other regions, conditions were close to normal.
Figure.1 Spatial distribution of rainfall profiles
Figure.2 Spatial distribution of temperature profiles
Figure.3 Maximum VCI
Figure.4 Potential biomass departure from 5YA
Figure.5 Cropped and uncropped arable land
Figure.5 VHI Minimum