
wall bulletin
Western EuropeCrop and environmental conditions in major production zones

Authors: 超级管理员 | Edit: qinxl

2.6 Western Europe

The harvesting period of summer crops and the sowing as well as the growing period of winter crops were included in this monitoring period in the major production zone (MPZ) of Western Europe. Generally, crop conditions were close to  average or above average in most parts of this MPZ based on the integration of agroclimatic and agronomic indicators (Figure 2.6)

Precipitation was significantly below average over the whole MPZ (-13%) and significant spatio-temporal differences in precipitation were observed between different countries: (1) Precipitation was below average throughout the almost whole MPZ until late November; (2) From late-November to the end of the monitoring period, precipitation hovered around or slightly below average in 55.6 percent of the MPZ areas (most parts of Spain, North-west and south-east and central Italy, Denmark, most parts of Germany, the Czech Republic, south-western Slovakia, eastern Austria and western Hungary); (3) Precipitation was significant below average from late-November to late January, with the exception of early and later December and early January, 44.4% of the MPZ areas (UK, North-east Italy, most part of France and South-east Baden-Wurttemberg in Germany); (4) Precipitation in North central Spain, northeastern Rhône-Alpes, southern Nouvelle-Aquitaine and Midi-Pyrénées in France was significantly above average during the monitoring period, except between mid-December and mid to late January. Countries with the most severe precipitation departures included Spain (RAIN -29%), Slovakia (RAIN -25%), Czech Republic (RAIN -18%), Austria (RAIN -16%), France (RAIN -16%), Germany (RAIN -15%), UK (RAIN -15%) and Hungary (RAIN -11%). Persistent precipitation deficit in most areas in the early part of the monitoring period provided favorable conditions for the harvest of the summer crops and the sowing of winter crops. However, their germination and early development may have been delayed. 

Temperature for the MPZ as a whole was slightly below average (TEMP, -0.1%), but radiation was significantly above average with RADPAR at +9%. As shown in the spatial distribution of Temperature profiles, 41.9 percent of the MPZ areas (Spain, most parts of France and South-west Germany) experienced colder-than-usual conditions throughout the monitoring period, except for late-December and early-January; 42.8 percent of the MPZ areas (UK, most parts of Italy, North-west France, Central Germany, the Czech Republic, south-western Slovakia, eastern Austria and western Hungary) experienced temperatures hovering around the average throughout the monitoring period; 15.3 percent of the MPZ areas (Denmark and North central Germany) experienced significant warmer-than-usual conditions during the monitoring period, except for the period in early-mid October, early November, late November-early December and late December.

Due to precipitation deficit and overall colder-than-usual conditions, the biomass accumulation potential was 7% below average. Significant BIOMSS departures (-20% and less) was estimated for most parts of Spain and west-central France. In contrast, BIOMSS was above average (sometimes exceeding a 10% departure) for south-western France, southern UK and northern and south-eastern Italy. The average maximum VCI for the MPZ reached 0.93. 

More than 91% of arable land was cropped, which is 1% above the recent five-year average. Most uncropped arable land was concentrated in Spain, northern and southeastern Italy, with patchy distribution in central, southeastern and southwestern France, central Germany, central UK and western Austria. The VHI minimum map shows that most parts of the Western European MPZ were mostly under normal (no drought) conditions. Only small areas, mainly in southern Spain and the Po Valley, had large pockets with severe drought. Overall, crop conditions were close to  average or above average in most parts of this MPZ. 

Figure 2.5 Western Europe MPZ: Agroclimatic and agronomic indicators, October 2021-January 2022

a. Spatial distribution of rainfall profiles    b. Profiles of rainfall departure from average (mm)

c. Spatial distribution of temperature profiles    d. Profiles of temperature departure from average(°C)

e. Maximum VCI

f. Cropped and uncropped arable land

g. Biomass accumulation potential departure

h. VHI minimum