
wall bulletin

Authors: 超级管理员 | Edit: mazh

This monitoring period covers the vegetative and early reproductive phases of winter wheat. Rice planting started in April. The proportion of irrigated cropland in Iran is 70% and rainfall is not major influential factor. Nationwide, the accumulated rainfall was below average (RAIN -25%), while temperature and radiation were above average (TEMP +1.0°C, RADPAR +2%). The BIOMSS index was 13% below average. The national average of maximum VCI index was 0.60, and the Cropped Arable Land Fraction (CALF) decreased by 24% as compared to the recent five-year average.

According to the national NDVI development graphs, crop conditions were above average throughout the monitoring period on about 12.7% of the cropland (marked in dark green), mainly in the provinces of Khuzestan, Qazvin, Alborz, Golestan, Mazandaran and Hamadan in the western and northern regions, while crop conditions were below average throughout the monitoring period on about 12.6% of the cropland (marked in light green), mainly located in some parts of Aredbil, Ilam and Lorestan in the west and north-western regions. 38.0% of the cropland showed close-to-average crop conditions (marked in red). The remaining croplands experienced below-average crop conditions in late January and then recovered to average or above average levels (marked in blue and orange). The below-average NDVI values in late January are most likely due to the snow or cloud cover as indicated by the rainfall profile. 

In general, the conditions for the winter crops were not favorable due to below-average rainfall.

Regional analysis

Based on cropping systems, climatic zones, and topographic conditions, three sub-national agro-ecological regions can be distinguished for Iran, among which two are relevant for crop cultivation. The two regions are referred to as the Semi-arid to sub-tropical hills of the west and north, and the Arid Red Sea coastal low hills and plains.

In the Semi-arid to sub-tropical hills of the west and north region, NDVI profiles show a similar change of patterns as for the whole country. The accumulated rainfall was 183 mm (24% below average), while temperature and radiation were above average (TEMP +0.9°C, RADPAR +2%). The influence of rainfall exceeded that of radiation and temperature, which resulted in a decrease of BIOMSS by 13%. CALF declined by 26%. The average VCIx (0.63) indicates unfavourable crop conditions for winter wheat. 

Crop conditions in the Arid Red Sea coastal low hills and plains region were also below the five-year average throughout the whole monitoring period. This region experienced a deficit of rainfall (RAIN -29%) but received more sunshine (RADPAR +2%). The temperature was above average (TEMP +1.2°C) . BIOMSS decreased by 11%. The CALF decreased by 11% compared to the five-year average, and the national VCIx (0.54) was also quite low, indicating the unfavorable outlook for winter crops in this region.

Figure 3.21 Iran’s crop condition, January - April 2022

(a) Phenology of major crops

(b) Crop condition development graph based on NDVI

(c) Maximum VCI

(d) Spatial NDVI patterns compared to 5YA    (e) NDVI profiles

(f) Time series temperature profile

(g) Time series rainfall profile

(h) Crop condition development graph based on NDVI (Semi‐arid to sub‐tropical hills of the west and north region)

(i) Crop condition development graph based on NDVI (Arid Red Sea coastal low hills and plains region)

Table 3.33 Iran's agroclimatic indicators by sub-national regions, current season's values and departure from 15YA, January - April 2022

Current (mm)Departure   from 15YA (%)Current   (°C)Departure   from 15YA (°C)Current   (MJ/m2)Departure   from 15YA (%)Current   (gDM/m2)Departure   from 15YA (%)
Semi-arid to sub-tropical hills of the west and north183-246.80.99912407-13
Arid Red Sea coastal low hills and plains106-2918.51.210842458-11

Table 3.34 Iran's agronomic indicators by sub-national regions, current season's value and departure from 5YA, January - April 2022

RegionCALFMaximum VCI
Current(%)Departure   from 5YA (%)Current
Semi-arid to sub-tropical hills of the west and north20-260.63
Arid Red Sea coastal low hills and plains26-110.54