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Authors: 超级管理员 | Edit: mazh
This report covers the overwintering periods upto to ripening stage of winter wheat in southwestern China. According to the regional NDVI profile, crop conditions were generally below the 5-year average before March and exceeded the average since April.
was above the 15-year average (RAIN, +31%) but radiation was below
average (RADPAR, -6%). Temperature was average (TEMP +0.1°C). The
resulting BIOMSS was 12% above average mainly due to the above-average
rainfall. The cropped arable land fraction remained at the same level as
in the last five years.
According to the NDVI departure clustering map and the profiles, NDVI values were close to average in most areas after February. In Yunnan and Sichuan, the crop conditions were generally normal and above average during the monitoring period, mainly benefit from abundant precipitation (See Annex A.11), but crop growth was less favorable in Guizhou before March and below average in central-eastern Chongqing in February. The VCIx reached 0.99. All in all, crop conditions were generally average.
Figure 4.16 Crop condition China Southwest region, January - April 2022
(a) Crop condition development graph based on NDVI
(b) Crop condition development graph based on NDVI (c) NDVI profiles
(d) Maximum VCI
(e) Potential biomass departure from 15YA
(f) Time series rainfall profile
(g) Time series temperature profile