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Authors: 超级管理员 | Edit: tianfuyou
Winter wheat and summer maize are the main crops that grew in this monitoring period (April to July) in Hanghuaihai. The winter wheat harvest ended in mid-June, a few days later than usual because of the delayed sowing in October of last year. Maize was planted after the harvesting of winter wheat. Agro-climate indicators showed that radiation (+3%), precipitation (+1%), and temperature (+0.9°C) in this area were above the 15YA. Below-average precipitation between April and mid-June caused a 3% decrease in potential biomass. The CALF is similar to the 5YA and the maximum VCI value was 0.9.
The NDVI-based crop growth profile indicated a rapid decline in May and early June, which marked the maturity of winter wheat. High rainfall in late June and early July helped with the establishment of maize and the NDVI curve reached average levels by the end of this monitoring period. As the NDVI clusters and profiles showed, only 21.2% of the cropland in Central Shandong, Northeastern Shandong, and the Bohai Bay area was higher than the 5YA after mid-April. Wheat was harvested in most areas by mid-June. As precipitation increased, the emergence and early growth of maize after sowing were faster than in previous years thereafter. The crop conditions reached or even were above the average level by the end of July. In general, the crop conditions in the whole region were normal.
Figure 4.10 Crop condition China Huanghuaihai, April - July 2022
(a) Crop condition development graph based on NDVI
(b) Spatial NDVI patterns compared to 5YA(c) NDVI profiles
(d)Time series rainfall profile
(e)Time series temperature profile
(f) Maximum VCI
(g) Biomass departure from 15YA