
wall bulletin
North AmericaCrop and environmental conditions in major production zones

Authors: 超级管理员 | Edit: zhuliang

This reporting period covers the flowering, grain filling and maturity of maize and soybean.  Spring wheat was harvested in August in the northern states of the USA and in Canada. In general, conditions were unusually dry and hot in the central, whereas the conditions were more favorable in the eastern regions.

As a whole, dry and warm weather was prevalent in the North American production zone, with a significantly below-the-15-year-average (15YA) precipitation (Rain -15%), an above-the-15YA temperature (+0.5°C), and average RADPAR. A significant deficit of precipitation and warming trend accelerated soil moisture loss and resulted in below-average potential biomass (BIOMSS -11%). However, the agri-climatic parameters showed a strong spatial heterogeneity.  The western Corn Belt and the area from the Canadian Prairies to the Northern Plains experienced below-average rainfall throughout the reporting period, along with a significant warming trend. This  resulted in a below-the-15YA estimate of potential biomass (BIOMSS -20%). Agri-climatic conditions were favorable in the eastern part of the Corn Belt. Abundant precipitation from July to August effectively replenished soil moisture for corn and soybean at the flowering and filling stages and facilitated yield formation. After August, corn and soybeans entered the maturity and harvest stage, and the slightly below-the-15YA precipitation created good conditions for harvest.

The minimum vegetation health index (VHIm) indicates the drought conditions that occurred from the Canadian Prairies to the Southern Plains in the reporting period. The maximum vegetation condition index (VCIx) reached 0.84, with poor crop conditions observed in the area from the Northern to Southern Plains, while favorable conditions were observed across most areas of the Canadian Prairies and the Corn Belt. Compared to the 5-year average, below average (-3%) cropped arable land fraction (CALF) was observed for the whole region.

In short, the CropWatch assessment indicates poor crop conditions in the Plains and acceptable crop conditions in the Corn Belt.

Figure 2.2 North America MPZ: Agroclimatic and agronomic indicators, July to October 2022

(a) Spatial distribution of rainfall profiles

(b) Spatial distribution of temperature profiles

(c) Potential biomass departure from 5YA

(d) Maximum VCI

(e) Cropped and uncropped arable land

(f) VHI Minimum

(g) Cropping intensity (2021)