
wall bulletin

Authors: 超级管理员 | Edit: zhuliang

This report covers the main growing period for maize, which reached maturity in late September or early October. The winter wheat sowing started in early October. As presented by the agro-climate indicators, the temperature (+0.8°C) and radiation (+3%) in this area were above the 15YA, but precipitation was below (-14%), which resulted in below-average biomass production potential (BIOMSS -4%). Significantly above-average BIOMSS was located in northern Shandong, southeastern Beijing, and Qinhuangdao.

According to the NDVI development graph, crop conditions were favorable before August due to sufficient rainfall, while a lack of rainfall since August led to a slight deterioration in crop conditions. Significant above average rainfall was observed in early October which improved the soil moisture, benefiting for winter crops emergence and early development. As the NDVI departure clustering map shows, 33.9% of cropland was always slightly above average before mid-October, widely located in Shandong, central Hebei, and northeastern Henan. 16.8% of the cropped area in central Hebei and southwestern Shandong (blue colors in the NDVI departure clustering map) experienced poor crop conditions during the whole monitoring period.

The CALF is similar to the 5YA, and the maximum VCI value was 0.92. The Crop Production Index (CPI) is 1.18. Overall, crop conditions were average during the period.

(a) Crop condition development graph based on NDVI

(b) Spatial NDVI patterns compared to 5YA    (c) NDVI profiles

(d)Time series rainfall profile

(e)Time series temperature profile

(f) Maximum VCI

(g) Biomass departure