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Authors: 超级管理员 | Edit: mazh
This report covers the dry season in West Africa. Harvest of the main season crops ended in January. They include maize, sorghum, millet, and rainfed rice. In the coastal regions, maize, yam, and rice were grown.
The climatic indicators for this MPZ from January to April showed a decrease in rainfall (107 mm, -14%), with the highest rainfall observed in Equatorial Guinea (1206 mm, +4%), Gabon (1073 mm, -2%) and Liberia (503 mm, +26%). The rest of the MPZ (75%) experienced negative rainfall departures as observed in Guinea Bissau (0 mm, -97%), Burkina Faso (3 mm, -58%), Nigeria (75 mm, -41%), and Cote d Ivoire (167 mm, -19%). The temperature profiles indicated a regional average temperature of 26.7ºC (-0.3ºC) with negative temperature departures stratified from coastal areas to the northern parts of the region. In terms of agricultural activities, the coastal areas were predominantly cropped with rainfed crops. At the same time, the areas of the region's north remained uncropped due to the reduced rainfall events (dry season). The regional radiation was 1305 MJ/m2 (-1%), and the potential biomass production of 568 gDM/m2 (-8%) reflected the reduced rainfall amounts during this reporting period. The MPZ region's Vegetative Health Index (VHI) varied from moderate to severe throughout the region and more severe in the northern parts of the MPZ. These indicators indicated a dry season with reduced agricultural activities, as shown by the CALF and rainfall profiles.
Figures: West Africa MPZ: Agroclimatic and agronomic indicators, January to April 2023
Figure A: Spatial distribution of rainfall profiles
Figure B: Spatial distribution of temperature profiles
Figure C: Cropped and uncropped arable land
Figure D: Potential biomass departure from 5YA
Figure E: Maximum VCI
Figure F: VHI Minimum