
wall bulletin
Western EuropeCrop and environmental conditions in major production zones

Authors: 超级管理员 | Edit: mazh

This reporting period runs from January to April 2023, which covers the over-wintering and spring green-up periods for the important winter cereals, and the sowing periods of the spring crop in the Western European Major Production Zone (MPZ). Crops in this region are mainly rainfed and agro-meteorological conditions play a crucial role.  The south of France and Spain were affected by severe drought conditions. Crop conditions in the other regions of the  MPZ were above average or close to average based on the interpretation of agro-climatic and agronomic indicators monitored by Cropwatch (Figure 2.5).

Overall, the temperature was above the 15YA (Temp, +0.7), the RADPAR and the accumulated precipitation were both below average (RADPAR -4%, RAIN -5%), and the continued precipitation deficit that had started last summer led to a decrease in the potential biomass (BIOMSS -4%). More than 93% of arable land was cropped, which was a decrease by 2% compared with the 5YA, and the uncropped areas of arable land were mainly located in the north-west of Italy, south-east France, eastern and south-east Spain, and a few pockets in parts of Germany, northern and south-west of France and the UK. The average maximum VCI for the MPZ reached a value of 0.87 during this reporting period, which is at a normal level. 

According to the spatial distribution of rainfall profiles, the spatial and temporal distribution of rainfall varies considerably between countries, and rainfall patterns can be characterized as follows:  (1) Precipitation was significantly below average across almost the entire MPZ from late January to mid-February; (2) 21.1% of the MPZ (the orange area in Fig. 2.6a) received below-average precipitation for almost the entire monitoring period, except for mid-January when it was marginally above average. This includes most of Spain, most of northern Italy and the southern part of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region; (3) Precipitation was below average in 11% of the MPZ (red areas in Fig. 2.6a) , with the exception of early and mid-January, late-February, late-March and mid-late-April, when precipitation was well above average. This includes central Italy, most of Aquitaine Limousin Poitou-Charentes and Languedoc-Roussillon Midi-Pyrenees in France; (4) Precipitation was above average after late February in 4.7% of the MPZ (dark green areas in Fig. 2.6a), with the exception of below average precipitation in early March mainly in the south of Germany; (5) above average during the monitoring period only in early and mid-January and after March in 63.2% of the MPZ (blue and green areas in Fig. 2.6a). It mainly affected the UK, north-central Germany, and north-central France. The countries with the most severe precipitation deficits were Spain (RAIN -56%), Italy (RAIN -19%), France (RAIN -13%), and UK (RAIN -5%). The pronounced and intermittent precipitation deficit in the southern part of the MPZ may have negatively impacted winter crop growth, and may also have delayed the sowing and germination of spring crops in northern Italy, south-east France, and eastern and south-east Spain.

As shown in the spatial distribution of temperature profiles, 3.4 percent of the MPZ areas (northwestern Italy) experienced warmer-than-usual conditions throughout the monitoring period; 75.4 percent of the MPZ areas (UK, Germany, most parts of France and most parts of Italy) experienced significant below-average temperatures throughout the monitoring period, except for early and mid-January, mid-February, late-March and early-April; 21.2 percent of the MPZ areas (Spain and southwestern France) experienced warmer-than-usual conditions during the monitoring period, except for the period from late-January to early-March.  The relatively mild weather in the MPZ has resulted in very limited winter frost damage to winter crops but may increase pest and disease pressure later in the season.

The lowest BIOMSS values (-20% and less) were observed for most parts of Spain and southern France. In contrast, BIOMSS was above average (+10% and more) mainly in western Frace, southern UK and center Germany. The VHI minimum map shows that some pockets of France, Germany, the UK, Spain and Italy were affected by short spells of drought conditions.

Generally, the conditions of winter crops in the MPZ were favorable, but more rain will be needed in several important crop production areas to ensure an adequate soil moisture supply during the grain-filling phase of the winter cereals and growth of summer crops.

Figure 2.5 Western Europe MPZ: Agroclimatic and agronomic indicators, January-April 2023

a. Spatial distribution of rainfall profiles    b. Profiles of rainfall departure from average (mm)

c. Spatial distribution of temperature profiles   d. Profiles of temperature departure from average (°C)

e. Maximum VCI

f. Cropped and uncropped arable land

g. Biomass accumulation potential departure

h. VHI minimum