
wall bulletin
FranceMain producing and exporting countries

Authors: 超级管理员 | Edit: mazh

This report covers the growing period of winter wheat, as well as the sowing of spring wheat and maize in France. CropWatch agro-climatic indicators, when compared to the 15YA, show that RAIN was 14% lower than average, especially in late January and early February. Sunshine was also below average (RADPAR -5%). The temperature was slightly above the average level (TEMP +0.5°C), but below average in mid to late January. Due to unfavorable precipitation conditions, the biomass production potential (BIOMSS) is estimated to have decreased by 2% nationwide compared to the 15-year average. The national-scale NDVI development graph shows that the NDVI values were generally slightly lower than in the 2022 season and the 5YA. The sharp drop in NDVI in late January can be attributed to cloud cover, fog or snow. Apart from that,  NDVI was generally close to the 5-year average. The spatial distribution of maximum VCI (VCIx) ranged between 0.79 to 0.94. Overall, below-average rainfall caused slightly unfavorable, but close to average growth conditions for most of France.

Regional analysis

Considering cropping systems, climatic zones and topographic conditions, additional sub-national details are provided for eight agro-ecological zones. They are identified on the maps by the following numbers: (78) Northern barley region, (82) Mixed maize/barley and rapeseed zone from the Center to the Atlantic Ocean, (79) Maize-barley and livestock zone along the English Channel, (80) Rapeseed zone of eastern France, (75) Massif Central dry zone, (81) Southwestern maize zone, (76) Eastern Alpes region and (77) the Mediterranean zone.

In the Northern barley region, warmer weather was observed (TEMP +0.6°C) while RAIN was above average (+10%) but RADPAR was below average (-15%). The potential BIOMSS increased by 3% when compared to the 15-year average. The CALF was at the average level, and VCIx was 0.90. Crop condition development based on NDVI for this region was above the 5-year average for most of the monitoring period, especially in mid-January, early February, and mid-March, but lower than average in early January and late April.

In the Mixed maize/barley and rapeseed zone from the Center to the Atlantic Ocean, slightly warmer (TEMP +0.3°C) weather was observed, but precipitation was below average (RAIN -8%), and sunshine was also lower than 15YA (RADPAR -7%). The estimated BIOMSS was 3% higher than average, CALF was at the average level, and VCIx was at 0.92. The regional NDVI profile fluctuated around the average.

In the Maize-barley and livestock zone along the English Channel, RAIN and RADPAR were below average by 8% and 11%. TEMP was slightly higher than the average (+0.4°C). BIOMSS increased by 4%.  CALF was average, and VCIx was relatively high at 0.92. The regional NDVI profile presented an undulating trend, which was generally close to average.

In the Rapeseed zone of eastern France, the NDVI profile indicated general close to and above-average conditions. RAIN was 1% below the 15YA, RADPAR also decreased by 11%, while TEMP increased by 0.5°C. BIOMSS was about 3% higher than average, while CALF was at the average level, and VCIx was 0.94.

In the Massif Central dry zone, RAIN and RADPAR were 15% and 5% lower than the average, respectively, while TEMP was near the average level. The VCIx was 0.92. BIOMSS and CALF also stayed at the average level, which indicated a close to average cropping season in the region.  Crop conditions based on the NDVI profile were also close to the average.

The Southwestern maize zone is one of the major irrigated regions in France. The regional NDVI profile presented a below-average trend, especially in mid-January. RAIN in the period was 21% lower than average, TEMP was also below the average by 0.2°C, while RADPAR slightly increased by 1%. The VCIx was recorded at 0.91, while CALF was 1% above average. BIOMSS was 4% lower than average, indicating below-average crop conditions.

In the Eastern Alpes region, the NDVI profile also presented an overall close to average trend. RAIN in the region was 23% lower than average, and RADPAR was 1% lower than the 15YA, while TEMP was slightly higher than average level (+0.5°C). BIOMSS was 7% lower than the 15YA. VCIx for the region recorded a relatively low level (0.84), and CALF was 1% above average.

The Mediterranean zone presented an overall lower NDVI profile. The region recorded a low VCIx (0.79). TEMP and RADPAR were above average by 1.6 °C and 5%, respectively, while RAIN was lower than average by 45%. CALF was at average level, and BIOMSS decreased by 18%. This region is showing below-average crop conditions due to the low precipitation throughout the monitoring period.


Figure 3.5 France’s crop condition, January - April 2023

(a). Phenology of major crops

(b) Crop condition development graph based on NDVI                              (c)  Maximum VCI

(d) Spatial NDVI patterns compared to 5YA                (e) NDVI profiles

(f) Rainfall profiles                                                                (g) Temperature profiles

(h) Crop condition development graph based on NDVI (Northern barley region (left) and Mixed maize, Barley and Rapeseed zone (right))

(i) Crop condition development graph based on NDVI (Maize, barley and livestock zone (left) and Rapeseed zone (right))

(j) Crop condition development graph based on NDVI (Dry Massif Central zone (left) and Southwest maize zone (right))

(k) Crop condition development graph based on NDVI (Eastern Alpes region (left) and Mediterranean zone (right))

Table 3.2 France’s agroclimatic indicators by sub-national regions, current season’s values and departure from 15YA, January - April 2023

Current (mm)Departure   (%)Current (°C)Departure (°C)Current (MJ/m2)Departure  (%)Current (gDM/m2)Departure   (%)
Northern Barley zone313106.40.6459-155823
Mixed maize/barley and rapessed zone from the Centre to the   Atlantic Ocean284-87.30.3548-76193
Maize barley and livestock zone along the English Channel295-87.40.4497-116254
Rapeseed zone of eastern France355-15.20.5508-115533
Massif Central Dry zone307-154.70.0588-55400
Southwest maize zone347-216.3-0.26621581-4
Alpes region338-233.70.5666-1443-7
Mediterranean zone195-457.01.67725425-18

Table 3.3 France’s agronomic indicators by sub-national regions, current season’s values and departure from 5YA, January - April 2023

RegionCropped   arable land fractionMaximum VCI
Current (%)Departure   (%)Current
Northern Barley zone10000.90
Mixed maize/barley and rapessed zone from the Centre to the   Atlantic Ocean10000.92
Maize barley and livestock zone along the English Channel10000.92
Rapeseed zone of eastern France10000.94
Massif Central Dry zone10000.92
Southwest maize zone9910.91
Alpes region8810.84
Mediterranean zone8800.79