
wall bulletin
Inner MongoliaChina

Authors: 超级管理员 | Edit: mazh

During the first three months of this year, no crops were grown in Inner Mongolia due to the cold temperatures. Sowing activities gradually started in late April. Agro-climatic indicators of the reporting period show that both rainfall and temperature were above average (RAIN +5%, TEMP +1.1°C), while RADPAR was slightly below average (-1%). The resulting BIOMSS was above average (+5%). Though the average of VCIx was only 0.62 for the whole area, it is of limited agronomic significance at this time of the year. Higher precipitation and warmer temperatures were beneficial to the spring sowing in the region. Weather conditions in the following months are very critical.

Figure 4.8 Crop condition China Inner Mongolia, January – April 2023

(a) Time series rainfall profile

(b) Time series temperature profile

(c) Biomass departure