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Authors: 超级管理员 | Edit: tianfuyou
This monitoring period covers the growing period of winter wheat sown last fall and this year's summer crops in the MPZ of central Europe and western Russia. Overall, RADPAR and average temperatures were 3% and 0.2°C lower, respectively, compared to the same period of the last 15 years, and cumulative precipitation was 20% lower, resulting in an 8% reduction in potential cumulative biomass.It is estimated that the growth of crops in the MPZ is lower than the average.
According to the spatial distribution map of precipitation distance level clustering, 37.2% of the MPZ (western Russia, eastern Austria, southeastern Poland, Slovakia, and Hungary) had below-average precipitation from April to early July. Subsequently, it was above average. 33.9% of the MPZ (western Russia, northern Ukraine, northern Moldova, Belarus, the Czech Republic, Poland, and most of Romania) was drier than usual, with above-average precipitation until mid-April, a sharp decrease in May, and stabilization in June and July, although precipitation remained below average. 18.6% of the MPZ (southwestern Russia, southern Ukraine, southern Moldova, parts of Romania) received more precipitation than average. That region received slightly below average precipitation only in mid-May, early June, and mid-July, and above average precipitation in all other periods. Precipitation in 10.3% of the MPZ (Russia and a small part of Ukraine) fluctuated above and below the average until early July, when it jumped to above average.
During this monitoring period, the average temperature in the MPZ fluctuated above and below the average level, and showed significant east-west differences. Among them, 19.3% of the MPZ (eastern part of the MPZ, western Russia) had significantly higher than average temperatures in late April and late May, and significantly lower than average temperatures in mid to late June. 25.7% of the MPZ (MPZ in the central and eastern regions, western Russia) had below average temperatures in early May, late June, and mid July. 28.9% of the MPZ (MPZ in the central and western regions, western Russia, Ukraine, and eastern Belarus) were below average in early May, and temperature fluctuations were relatively small during other periods. The temperature in 26.1% of the MPZ (western part of the MPZ, eastern Ukraine and Belarus, Moldova, Romania, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Czech Republic, Austria) fluctuated and increased during the monitoring period. Before mid May, the temperature was below average. In late May, the temperature in the region was higher than the average level, followed by fluctuations above and below the average level, until mid July when the temperature in the region was much warmer than usual.
The results of the potential cumulative biomass spatial distribution map shows a significant decrease by more than 20% in central and western Russia, central Romania, northern Czech Republic, and also scattered in Poland, Belarus, and Ukraine; However, the potential biomass in southwestern Russia and western Hungary is above average (some areas are more than 20% higher). Cropland area in this MPZ increased slightly by 0.6%, resulting in a proportion of cropland under cultivation of 99%. The best vegetation condition index for the main production area was 0.88, and the crops were in good condition. The results of the spatial distribution map of the minimum vegetation health index indicates that some regions in central and western Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Poland, Czech Republic, and Austria have been affected by short-term droughts.
Overall, the below average precipitation in the western and northeastern regions of this MPZ negatively impactwd crop production. In southernUkraine and the Wolga and Caucasus regions of Russia, precipitaton was more favorable. Overall, average crop production can be expected from this MPZ.
a. Spatial distribution of rainfall profiles b. Profiles of rainfall depature from average(mm)
c. Spatial distribution of temperature profiles d. Profiles of temperature depature from average(℃)
e. Cropped and uncropped arable land f. Potential biomass departure from 5YA
g. VHI Minimum h. Maximum VCI