
wall bulletin
LebanonMain producing and exporting countries

Authors: 超级管理员 | Edit: tianfuyou

During this monitoring period, winter wheat and Barley reached maturity in June. The planting of summer crops was completed by April.  Based on the agroclimatic and agronomic indicators, the crop conditions in Lebanon were generally average.

According to the CropWatch agroclimatic indicators, total precipitation at the national level was above average (RAIN +8%), temperature was slightly above average (TEMP +0.1°C), and radiation was below average (RADPAR -3%). As shown in the time series rainfall profile for Lebanon, precipitation was below average except for mid-April (close to the past 15-year maximum), late May and early June, and monthly precipitation was very unevenly distributed. Most of the country experienced warmer-than-usual conditions during this reporting period, except for mid-April to early May and mid-June; temperatures were above the 15-year maximum in mid to late July. Due to lower solar radiation, the biomass production potential (BIOMSS) was estimated to decrease slightly by 1% nationwide as compared to the fifteen-year average.

As shown in the crop condition development graph and the NDVI profiles at the national level, NDVI values were average for the first half of April, then decreased to below average, and then increased to above average from May to the first half of June, but were again below average from the second half of June to July. These observations are confirmed by the clustered NDVI profiles: 64.6% of regional NDVI values were above average in May and 78.4% of regional NDVI values were below average from the second half of June to July. These observations are confirmed by lower VCI values shown in the maximum VCI map. These negative departures were due to below-average rainfall.  Overall VCIx was 0.85. CALF during the reporting period was 72%, which was above average (+11%) compared to the recent five-year average.

Generally, the agronomic indicators show close to average conditions for most winter and summer crops in Lebanon. The crops are mainly rainfed crops in Lebanon. More rain will be needed in crop production areas of Lebanon to ensure an adequate soil moisture supply during the grain-filling phase of the summer crops.

Figure XXX. Lebanon’s crop condition, April-July 2023

(a) Phenology of major crops in Lebanon

(b) Crop condition development graph based on NDVI, comparing the April-July 2023 period to the previous season and the five-year average (5YA) and maximum

(c) Maximum VCI for the April-July 2023 period

(d) Spatial NDVI patterns for Lebanon up to July 2023 according to local cropping patterns and as compared to the 5YA (left) and (e) associated NDVI profiles (right)

(e) Time series rainfall profile (left) and temperature profile (right) of Lebanon comparing the April-July 2023 period to the previous season and the five-year average (5YA) and maximum

Table XXX Lebanon agro-climatic indicators by sub-national regions, current season's values and departure from 15YA, April-July 2023

Table XXX. Lebanon agronomic indicators by sub-national regions, current season's value and departure from 5YA, April-July 2023