
wall bulletin
Northeast regionChina

Authors: 超级管理员 | Edit: tianfuyou

This current monitoring period covers the sowing and the first half of the growing season of main crops in the Northeast of China (April to July 2023). CropWatch Agroclimatic Indicators (CWAIs) show that precipitation was slightly above average. The total precipitation increased by 1%. It was below the average level in May and June, and above the average level in July. The photosynthetically active radiation was close to average, and the temperature was below average (TEMP 0.2℃).  This resulted in a potential biomass estimate that was 2% below the fifteen-year average level. Most parts of Heilongjiang province and the western part of Jinlin province were below average due to low precipitation, causing a mild drought. 

The crop conditions during the monitoring period were slightly below average before July and recovered to average levels till the end of July. Meanwhile, great spatial variations existed in the region As shown by NDVI clusters and profiles, 27.4% of cropland experienced a steady decline until mid June and then increased to average levels. This area was mostly distributed in Heilongjiang province and western Jilin province. About 18.6% of cropland in the region was mostly below average. It was mainly located in western Heilongjiang province, indicating that crops in this area were in relatively poor condition. About 26% of cropland was slightly negative, mainly concentrated over Liaoning province. Most parts of the Northeast of China were below average from April to June and improved in July, and this is due to a slight drought caused by below average precipitation in the early stage.  In addition, the maximum VCI shows that all provinces of the Northeast of China were above 0.8, except for a small part of western Heilongjiang province due to drought and western Jilin province due to local drought and floods in the early stage. On the other hand, flooding that occurred in early August negatively affected crops locally in Wuchang, Shangzhi and Mudanjiang in central southern Heilongjiang province and Shulan in eastern Jilin province, accounting for about 4% of the cropland area in the region. All in all, crop development until June was below average but recovered to average levels in July. Prospects for crop production are average.

Figure 4.8 Crop condition China Northeast region, April - July 2023

(a) Crop condition development graph based on NDVI

(b) Time series temperature pofile

(c) Time series rainfall pofile

(d) Spatial distribution of NDVI profiles

(e) Maximum VCI

(f) Potential biomass departure from 5YA