
wall bulletin
Southwest ChinaChina

Authors: 超级管理员 | Edit: tianfuyou

The reporting period covers the harvest of winter wheat in southwestern China, which was concluded by late April. Summer crops (including semi-late rice, late rice, and maize) are still growing. In general, crop conditions in the southwest region were slightly below the average of the last five years.

According to the CropWatch agro-climatic indicators, the drier and warmer than usual weather continued from the previous reporting period, with RAIN 12% lower, and the TEMP was 0.6℃ higher than 15YA,RADPAR was close to the average (+1%). The higher temperatures and lower rainfall led to a slight decrease in potential biomass,and spatially, the northern part of Yunnan was particularly affected, with a significantly lower potential biomass.. The maximum Vegetation Condition Index (VCI) was 0.91, lower than 0.94 in the same period of last year. The CALF was similar to previous years, indicating full utilization despite the less favorable weather conditions.

The NDVI-based crop condition profiles continued below the 5-year average throughout the reporting period. The crop condition development graph based on NDVI shows that crop conditions were slightly below average in almost all regions during this monitoring period, especially in the light green areas (about 24.7% of the region) located mainly in the eastern part of Sichuan and the northern part of Yunnan. The Maximum VCI map also shows this phenomenon.This was mainly due to drought in the crops as a result of the persistent low rainfall in May-June.

In summary, crop conditions in Southwest China were slightly poorer than average.

Figure 4.16 Crop condition China Southwest region, April - July 2023

(a) Crop condition development graph based on NDVI

(b) Crop condition development graph based on NDVI     (c) NDVI profiles

(d) Maximum VCI

(e) Potential biomass departure from 15YA

(f) Time series rainfall profile

(g) Time series temperature profile