
wall bulletin
West AfricaCrop and environmental conditions in major production zones

Authors: ephiri | Edit: xucong

The report covers agroclimatic indicators of 11 countries in the West African Region (MPZ) characterized by the main rainy season. Planting of maize, sorghum, millet, and rice under both rainfed and irrigated conditions started in July. Tuber crops such as yam were being harvested, while rice harvest is expected to extend into December and January. Based on the CropWatch agroclimatic indicators of the MPZ, average rainfall was below the 15YA (RAIN -16%), whereas the temperature and the RADPAR were above the 15YA (TEMP +1.2%, RADPAR +5%), however the estimated biomass decreased (BIOMSS -11%). CALF was increased by 0.9% compared with the 5YA, reaching 98% and the VCIx of the MPZ was 0.93.

For individual countries in the MPZ, increased rainfall was observed in Equatorial Guinea (RAIN +17%), Guinea Bissau (RAIN +7%), Liberia (RAIN +5%) and Gabon (RAIN +2%) while reduction in rainfall occurred in Burkina Faso (RAIN -43%), Nigeria (RAIN -28%), Togo (RAIN -23%), Ghana (-14%), Sierra Leone (RAIN -11%), Cote d Ivoire (RAIN -10%). These country-specific deviations in rainfall are reflected in the spatial distribution of rainfall profiles: Nigeria and Burkina Faso were severely affected by the rainfall deficit. Despite the regional solar radiation being above average (RADPAR +5%), the rainfall deficits caused a below average estimation of potential biomass in Burkina Faso (BIOMASS -26%), Nigeria (BIOMASS -20%), Togo (BIOMASS -11%) Ghana (BIOMASS -6%), and Côte d'Ivoire (BIOMASS -2%). Based on the VCIx map, the MPZ experienced increased vegetative cover (VCIx >0.8) however, the vegetation health index (VHI) map depicts a spatial and temporal pattern affected by moderate to severe drought conditions.  At the regional level, the cropped arable land fraction slightly increased (CALF +0.9%), while at the country level, the lowest CALF values were above 93%, which could be attributed to the generally wet environments.

Rainfall deficits limited crop production in the north-eastern regions of this MPZ, especially in Burkina Faso and Nigeria. In the other regions, rainfall was close to average levels, causing normal crop conditions.

a. Spatial distribution of rainfall profiles

b. Spatial distribution of temperature profiles

c. Cropped and uncropped arable land

d. Potential biomass departure from 5YA

e. Maximum VCI

f. VHI Minimum