
wall bulletin
Western EuropeCrop and environmental conditions in major production zones

Authors: zhuweiwei | Edit: xucong

Western Europe

This period covers the key growing and harvesting periods periods of summer crops, and the sowing of winter crops in the major production zone (MPZ) of Western Europe. Most of the crops in this MPZ are mainly rain-fed crops, and changes in agrometeorological conditions severely affect the growth of these crops. Generally, most parts of Germany, France, and UK had sufficient precipitation and warmer-than-usual conditions, while parts of Spain and Italy experienced high temperatures and rainfall deficits. Crop conditions were above average in most parts of this MPZ based on the interpretation of agro-climatic and agronomic indicators monitored by Cropwatch (Figure 2.6).

CropWatch agroclimatic indicators show that the persistent precipitation deficit that had been observed during the last year ended during this monitoring period. Precipitation was significantly above average (+19%)According to the spatial distribution of rainfall profiles, the spatial and temporal distribution of rainfall varied considerably between countries. The rainfall patterns can be characterized as follows: (1) 24.4% of the MPZ (the blue area in Fig. 2.6a) received above-average precipitation for almost the entire monitoring period, except for the period before mid-July, mid-August, and September to early October, when it was significantly below average. This includes most of southern Germany (North Rhine-Westphalia, Hesse, Thuringia, Rhineland-Palatinate, Baden-Wurttemberg, Bavaria), and northern France (Basse-Normandie, Haute- Normandie, Ile-de-France, Nord-Pas-de-Calais Picardie, Alsace Champagne-Ardenne Lorraine); (2) Precipitation in most of the United Kingdom and north-west Germany (north of Lower Saxony, west of Schleswig-Holstein, Mecklengurg-Western Pomerania), covering 18.6% of the MPZ areas (dark green areas in Fig. 2.6a), was generally above average during most of the monitoring period, except for the period from mid-August to early-September, and from late-September to early-October; (3) Precipitation was below or equal to average in 42.6% of the MPZ (green areas in Fig. 2.6a), with the exception of above-average precipitation after the first half of October, This includes most part of Spain, south-east Italy, Bretagne, Pays de la Loire, Centre, Languedoc-Roussillon Midi-Pyrenees in France; (4) For the rest of the monitoring area (14.5%, yellow areas in Fig. 2.6a), covering north-west Italy, west of Aquitaine Limousin Poitou-Charentes, east of Auvergne Rhone-Alpes, east of Bourgogne Franche-Comte in France, precipitation fluctuated slightly above and below average until mid-August, then fluctuated sharply above and below average until the end of the monitoring period. Especially in late-August, mid-September and mid-late October, the precipitation was significantly above average. On a national scale, Spain (ΔRAIN, +18%), Germany (ΔRAIN, +13%), United Kingdom(ΔRAIN, +12%) and France (ΔRAIN, +11%)  all received significantly above-average precipitation, except for Italy (ΔRAIN, -2%). Flowering and grain filling for the summer crops in those countries benefitted from favorable precipitation in July and August and appropriate irrigation conditions, ensuring normal yield levels. However, excessive precipitation in mid-to-late October was unfavourable for the harvesting of the summer crops, but it helped with the germination and establishment of the winter crops.

CropWatch agroclimatic indicators also show that warmer-than-usual conditions (ΔTEMP +1.3°C) and average sunshine conditions for the MPZ.  As shown in the spatial distribution of temperature profiles, most parts of this MPZ experienced above-average temperatures during the monitoring period, with the exception of Spain and north-west, north-east and south-east Italy, which experienced significantly below-normal temperature departures by up to -4ºC in late July and early August. The spatial distribution of temperature profiles also indicates that there were four periods of unusually warm weather in mid-July, mid-August, early-September and early-October, especially in France, Germany, Spain, north-west, north-east and south-east Italy. 

Due to favourable precipitation conditions and average radiation, the potential BIOMSS was 5% above average. The lowest BIOMSS values (-20% and less) were observed in northern and north-eastern Spain, and south-eastern Italy. In contrast, BIOMSS was above average (+20% and more), mainly in northern Germany, north-west Italy, northern and western France, western Spain and the southern United Kingdom.

The average maximum VCI for the MPZ reached a value of 0.84 during this reporting period. About 90% of arable land was cropped, which was the same as the recent five-year average in the whole MPZ. The uncropped areas of arable land were mainly concentrated in Spain,  south-east Italy, and a few pockets in almost all other countries of this MPZ. The VHI minimum map shows that relatively large areas of Spain, southern Germany, central, northern and eastern France, eastern United Kingdom were affected by drought conditions. Cropping intensity reached 134%, which was up by 2% compared to the five-year-average across the MPZ.

Overall, the conditions of crops in the MPZ were mostly average to above average.

Figure 2.6b. Western Europe MPZ spatial distribution of temperature profiles (left) and profiles of temperature departure from average (℃) (right), July-October 2023

Figure 2.6c. Western Europe MPZ maximum VCI, July-October 2023

Figure 2.6d. Western Europe MPZ cropped and uncropped arable land, July-October 2023

Figure 2.6e. Western Europe MPZ biomass accumulation potential departure, July-October 2023

Figure 2.6f. Western Europe MPZ VHI minimum, July-October 2023

Figure 2.6g. Western Europe MPZ cropping intensity, November 2022-October, 2023