
wall bulletin
Inner MongoliaChina

Authors: xucong | Edit: xucong

During this monitoring period, maize and soybean are the main summer crops grown in Inner Mongolia.

CropWatch Agroclimatic Indicators showed that rainfall was slightly below average (RAIN, -1%). TEMP (+1.6°C) and RADPAR (+1%) were both above average. Potential biomass was slightly below average (BIOMASS, -2%). The NDVI development graph indicated slightly below-average crop conditions in July and August, and average levels thereafter. Sufficient precipitation in July had a positive impact on the rain-fed crops and the crop conditions returned the average levels, but continuous warmer than usual weather from August to October affected the crops. The spatial NDVI patterns show that 38.3% of the crops were below the 5YA and returned to near but slightly below average, mainly distributed in central Inner Mongolia. 15.2% were below the 5YA during this period. The rest of the cropped areas were near average. The fraction of cropped arable land (CALF) reached 95%. Crop intensity was 100% and VCIx was 0.87. On the whole, Inner Mongolia is expected to have close to average crop production.

Figure 4.8 Crop condition Inner Mongolia, July - October 2023

(a) Crop condition development graph based on NDVI     

 (b) Spatial NDVI patterns compared to 5YA            (c) NDVI profiles

(d)Time series rainfall profile

(e)Time series temperature profile

(f) Maximum VCI

(g) Biomass departure