
wall bulletin
HungaryMain producing and exporting countries

Authors: Hzhao | Edit: tianfuyou

This reporting period covers the main growing season of winter wheat. According to the crop condition development graph, NDVI values were below average in January and early February. Subsequently, they were above average from mid February to April. The proportion of irrigated cropland in Hungary is only 4% and agro-meteorological conditions play a decisive role in the growth of most crops. The overall precipitation (ΔRAIN -28%) was below average. Temperatures (ΔTEMP +3.2°C) and solar radiation (ΔRADPAR +2%) were above average in this period compared to the 15YA. Below-average precipitation was observed for late January, February and early-mid April. As a result, there was a 6% decrease in biomass due to low precipitation. However, other agro-climatic indicators highlight positive crop growth conditions. The national CALF is 96%, which is 1% above the 5YA average. The national VCIx was 0.90. Crop Production Index (CPI) was 1.03. Winter wheat production potential is expected to be average.

The NDVI departure cluster profiles indicate that: 11.3% of arable land experienced above-average crop conditions during the monitoring period spread over the country. 9.3% of arable land experienced below-average crop conditions during the monitoring period, scattered over eastern Hungary. 53.6% of arable land experienced below-average crop conditions in January and early February, but above average from middle February to April, mainly in the Puzzta and Eastern Hungary. 25.7% of arable land experienced below-average crop conditions in January and middle March, but hovering around the average from late March to April, mainly in Central Hungary and Northern Hungary.

Regional analysis

Based on cropping systems, climatic zones, and topographic conditions, four sub-national regions are described below: Central Hungary, the Great Plain (Puszta), Northern Hungary and Transdanubia.

Central Hungary (86) is one of the major agricultural regions for crop production. A sizable share of winter wheat is planted in this region. According to the NDVI development graphs, NDVI values were below average in January and early February and above average from middle February to April. Agro-climatic conditions presented above-average temperature (ΔTEMP +3.3°C) and radiation (ΔRADPAR +2%), and below-average precipitation (ΔRAIN -32%). Biomass (ΔBIOMSS -11%) is below average, mainly due to low precipitation in late January, February, and early-mid Apri. Other agro-climatic conditions highlight positive crop growth information. The CALF is 98 per cent, which is 2% above the 5YA average, the VCIx is 0.94, and the CPI is 1.12. All in all, crop conditions in the region are average.

The Puszta (87) region is primarily devoted to the cultivation of winter wheat, maize, and sunflower, particularly in the counties of Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok and Békés. According to the NDVI development graphs, the NDVI values were below average in January and early February, and above average from mid-February to April. The agro-climatic conditions presented above-average temperature (ΔTEMP +3.3°C) and radiation (ΔRADPAR +3%), and below-average precipitation (ΔRAIN -31%). Biomass (ΔBIOMSS -10%) was below average, primarily due to lower precipitation in late January, February and early-mid April. However, other agro-climatic indicators highlight positive crop growth conditions. The CALF is 96%, which is 3% above the 5YA average. The VCIx was 0.90, while the CPI was 1.03. Overall, the crop conditions in this region are considered to be average.

Northern Hungary (88) is another important winter wheat region. According to the NDVI development graphs, NDVI values were below average in January and early February and above average from middle February to April. Agro-climatic conditions presented above-average temperature (ΔTEMP +3.3°C). Radiation (ΔRADPAR -1%) and precipitation (ΔRAIN -23%) were below average. Biomass was average. Other agro-climatic conditions highlight positive crop growth information. The CALF is 99%(+1%). The VCIx was 0.93. The CPI was 1.05. Overall, the crop conditions in this region are average.

Southern Transdanubia (89) cultivates winter wheat, maize, and sunflower, mostly in Somogy and Tolna counties. According to the NDVI development graphs, NDVI values were below average in January and early February and above average from middle February to April. Agro-climatic conditions presented above-average temperature (ΔTEMP +3.1°C) and radiation (ΔRADPAR +3%), and below-average precipitation (ΔRAIN -27%). Biomass (ΔBIOMSS -5%) was below average mainly due to lower precipitation in late January, February and early-mid April. The CALF was average (96%). The VCIx was 0.88 and the CPI was 0.99. The crop conditions in this region are average.

3.18 Hungary's crop condition, January-April 2024

(a). Phenology of major crops

(b) Maximum VCI

(c) Spatial distribution of NDVI profiles

(d) Crop condition development graph based on NDVI, Time series precipitation profile and temperature profile

(e) Crop condition development graph based on NDVI, Time series precipitation profile and temperature profile (Central Hungary)

(f) Crop condition development graph based on NDVI, Time series precipitation profile and temperature profile(The Greatplain)

(g) Crop condition development graph based on NDVI, Time series precipitation profile and temperature profile (North Hungary)

(h) Crop condition development graph based on NDVI, Time series precipitation profile and temperature profile (Transdanubia)

Table 3.27 Hungary’s agroclimatic indicators by sub-national regions, current season's values and departure from 15YA, January - April 2024 

Current(mm)Departure from 15YA(%)Current(°C)Departure from 15YA(°C)Current(MJ/m2)Departure from 15YA(%)Current(gDM/m2)Departure from 15YA(%)
Central Hungary141-327.93.36462425-11
North Hungary167-236.93.3602-14660

Table 3.28 Hungary's agronomic indicators by sub-national regions, current season's values and departure from 5YA, January - April  2024

RegionCALFMaximum VCICPI
Current(%)Departure from 5YA(%)CurrentCurrent
Central Hungary9820.941.12
North Hungary9910.931.05