
wall bulletin
AlgeriaMain producing and exporting countries

Authors: mansour | Edit: tianfuyou

This reporting period covers the main growing season of winter and the planting summer crops: cereal crops, potatoes and vegetables and the harvesting period of early planted crops. The CropWatch agroclimatic indicators show that nationwide accumulated rainfall was 98 mm (-59% below average) while temperature (TEMP 1.6°C) and radiation (RADPAR 7%) were above average over the last four months. The effect of radiation and temperature exceeded that of rainfall, which resulted in a decline of BIOMSS by 32%. The crop conditions relatively improved starting in March. Conditions were better than in 2023. The national average of maximum VCI index was 0.59. As can be seen from the spatial distribution, the northeast and northwest recorded low values (less than 0.59). Spatial patterns of VCIx were thus mostly consistent with those of NDVI. Only 10.2% of the area recorded above-average crop conditions, in contrast, 69% of crop planted areas experienced continuously below-average crop conditions. CALF decreased by 18% compared to 5YA. Crop production for this season is estimated to be below average (0.92), with an increase of 0.33 compared to CPI 2023 (0.56). The spatial distribution of NDVI profiles shows a mixed pattern among the regions. Some mixed areas can be observed in north-center of Algeria (blue area) with a positive discrepancy around 0.1 and in west areas (red areas) with negative NDVI values at the beginning, and positive values from mi-February and mi-March. A mixed pattern with negative changes at (light and dark green areas) was observed in the northeast and northwest area. Overall, the conditions for the winter crops are unfavorable.

Figure.1. Phenology map

Figure.2: Crop condition development graph based on NDVI

Figure.3:Time series rainfall pofile

Figure.4: Time series temperature pofile

Figure.5: Maximum VCI

Figure.6: Spatial distribution of NDVI profiles

Figure.7: Potential biomass departure from 5YA

Figure.8: Cropped and uncropped arable land

Figure.9: CPI time series (bullettin2, Algeria)

Country’s agroclimatic indicators by sub-national regions, current season's values and 

departure from 15YA, October 2023 – January 2024

Current 15YA Departure Current 15YA Departure Current  15YA Departure Current 15YA Departure 
DZA 98-5910.71.69737357-32

Country’s agronomic indicators by sub-national regions, current season's values and departure 

from 5YA, October 2023 – January 2024

 CurrentDeparture from 5YA  CurrentCurrent
DZA 46-180.590.92