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Authors: xieyan,zenghongwei | Edit: qinxl
The reporting period, which began in April and ended in July, covers the harvest of winter wheat, and the sowing and main growing period for maize and soybeans, which reached the beginning of the reproductive growth phases. Spring wheat also reached anthesis in July.
Agroclimatic conditions in North America were mostly normal, with above-average rainfall and average temperatures (RAIN +14%, TEMP +0.8°C), and lower-than-average radiation (RADPAR -2%), resulting in higher-than-average potential cumulative biomass (BIOMSS +5%). Overall, agrometeorological conditions were favorable for crop growth, but regional differences were significant. The potential biomass departure from 15YA showed that the potential biomass in the western part of the northern Plains, the southern part of the Prairies, and the northeastern part of the southern Plains was 10 to 20% below the average, and in some cases, even 20% below the average, the agrometeorological conditions in these regions were unfavorable for crop growth. While most of the other regions, which tend to be highly productive, were above the average. Temperature departure profiles showed that temperatures were below average only in the Canadian Prairies and the northern Great Plains from May to early July, with negative departures by 2.5°C. Temperatures were above average in all other areas during the monitoring period. Profiles of rainfall departure from the average showed below-average rainfall beginning in mid-May in the Great Plains and Canadian Prairies, above-average rainfall in the Corn Belt, and near-average rainfall in the Southeast and most of the Mississippi River Basin.
The CALF reached 95%. This is comparable to the average and is consistent with the distribution of cropland under cultivation maps. The VCIx showed that only the western part of the southern Plains and the northwestern part of the northern Plains were below 0.8, which corresponds to the distribution of severe drought areas as indicated by the VHI. In some areas, the VCIx was even less than 0.5, crops were not planted. The VHI minimum shows severe drought in western Kansas, eastern Colorado, and eastern Texas, as well as below-average potential biomass in these regions. The other areas had VCIx above 0.8. Overall, the VCIx for North America was 0.88 and the Crop Production Index was 0.99, indicating close to normal conditions.
In summary, CropWatch assesses crop growth in the southern Prairies, Great Plains and Corn Belt regions were generally normal.
Figure 2.2 North America MPZ: Agroclimatic and agronomic indicators, April to July 2024.
a. Spatial distribution of rainfall profiles
b. Spatial distribution of temperature profiles
c. Cropped arable land
d.Potential biomass departure from 15YA
e. Maximum VCI
f. VHI Minimum
g. CPI time series chart for North America