
wall bulletin
ItalyMain producing and exporting countries

Authors: lijunbin | Edit: qinxl

During this reporting period, winter wheat was harvested in June and July. Summer crops, mainly maize, rice, sunflower, and soybeans, were planted in April and early May. According to the NDVI development graph, NDVI dropped below the 5-year average (5YA) in May. At the national level, temperature (TEMP +1°C) was above the 15-year average (15YA), and the solar radiation (RADPAR -2%) and rainfall (RAIN -1%) were close to15YA, which resulted in near-average biomass (BIOMSS -1%). CALF was 98%, and VCIx was 0.88. 

The VCIx was below 0.80 for some regions in the northern Italy (Lombardia and Veneto), the southeast Italy (Basilicata) and the southern islands (Sicily), and the VCIx was above 0.80 in northern Italy (Piedmont) and the western regions. Analyzing NDVI clusters and corresponding departure profiles, approximately 14.9% of cropland (highlighted in blue), primarily located in northern Italy (Piemonte and Lombardia), exhibited a positive departure from the 5-year average from April to May. About 33.8% of arable land experienced above-average crop conditions  (highlighted in orange). Nearly half of the arable land (highlighted in red, light green, and dark green), mainly in Emilia-Romagna, Apulia, Basilicata, and Sicily, encountered below-average conditions in April to July. The Crop Production Index (CPI) was 0.97. In summary, crop conditions were slightly below, but generally close to average.

Regional analysis

Based on cropping systems, climatic zones, and topographic conditions, four sub-national zones can be distinguished for Italy. These four regions are East Coast (108), Po Valley (105), Islands (107), and Western Italy (106).

East coast (108) experienced above-average temperature (TEMP 1.6°C) and near-average solar radiation (RADPAR -0.13%). Average rainfall was far below average (RAIN -40%), which resulted in below-average biomass (BIOMSS -14%). VCIx was 0.87. CALF was 98%. The CPI was 0.95. The crop condition development graph indicates that NDVI was below average in the entire monitoring period. Due to the continuing rainfall deficit, crop production is expected to be below average.

Crop production in the Po Valley (105) was affected by above rainfall (RAIN +19%) and temperature (TEMP +0.6°C) and below-average solar radiation (RADPAR -5%). BIOMSS was above the 15YA by 10% and VCIx reached 0.86. CALF was 100%. The CPI was 1.04, which indicates that the agricultural production situation was near average. The crop condition development graph indicates NDVI was above-average between April and mid May and below-average conditions between late May and July. According to the agro-climatic indicators, a near-average output can be expected.

The Islands recorded an above-average temperature (TEMP +1°C) and near-average RADPAR. Except for high rainfall in early May, rainfall during the rest of the monitoring period was less than 10 mm, which was 34% below the average, resulting in below-average biomass (BIOMSS -7%). The VCIx was 0.87. CALF was 92%. The CPI was 0.93. The crop condition development graph indicates that NDVI was below average in the entire monitoring period. Due to drought caused by decreased rainfall, crop conditions are expected to be below average.

In Western Italy, the rainfall (RAIN -30%) was below average and temperature (TEMP +1.3°C) were above average. The solar radiation (RADPAR +0.33%) was near average. Due to decreased rainfall, the biomass (BIOMSS -9%) was below-average. The VCIx reached 0.92. CALF was 100%. The CPI was 1.02. According to the NDVI development graph, NDVI values were above-average between April and mid-May and below-average thereafter. According to the agro-climatic indicators, a near-average output can be expected.

Figure 3.24 Italy’s crop condition, April – July 2024

(a) Phenology of Italy's major crops from April to July 2024

(b) Crop condition development graph based on NDVI

(c) Time series rainfall pofile

(d) Time series temperature pofile

(e) Maximum VCI

(f) Spatial distribution of NDVI profiles


(g) National CPI time series

(h) Crop condition development graph based on NDVI (East Italy)

(i)  Time series rainfall pofile (East Italy)

(j) Time series temperature pofile (East Italy)

(k) Crop condition development graph based on NDVI (Po Valley)

(l) Time series rainfall pofile (Po Valley)

(m) Time series temperature pofile (Po Valley)

(n) Crop condition development graph based on NDVI (Islands)

(o) Time series rainfall pofile (Islands)

(p) Time series temperature pofile (Islands)

(q) Crop condition development graph based on NDVI (Western Italy)

(r) Time series rainfall pofile (Western Italy)

(s) Time series temperature pofile (Western Italy)

Table 3.45 Italy’s agroclimatic indicators by sub-national regions, current season’s values and departure from 15YA, April - July 2024

Current(mm)Departure from 15YA(%)Current(°C)Departure from 15YA(°C)Current(MJ/m2)Departure from 15YA(%)Current(gDM/m2)Departure from 15YA(%)
East coast177-4019.51.614270715-14
Po Valley6941916.20.61274-5103910
Western Italy216-3018.41.314340751-9

Table 3.46 Italy’s agronomic indicators by sub-national regions, current season’s values and departure from 5YA, April - July 2024

RegionCALFMaximum VCICPI
Current(%)Departure from 5YA(%)CurrentCurrent
East coast98-10.870.95
Po Valley10000.860.96
Western Italy10000.921.02