
wall bulletin
AlgeriaMain producing and exporting countries

Authors: mansour | Edit: qinxl

Cereal crops completed the grainfilling stage during the early part of this monitoring period and harvesting started in May. Apart from cereals, melons, watermelons and vegetables were grown. In July, typically land preparation and planting of vegetable crops like potatoes, artichokes, and others, begins. 

Algeria experienced warmer-than-usual weather (TEMP +1.5ºC) during the reporting period and trended above the 15YA  from  May. The country received an average rainfall of 40 mm, which is 71% below the 15-year average from April to July. Drought conditions had already prevailed during the previous monitoring period of January to April. Radiation was 3% above the 15YA. The significant below-average rainfall combined with the above-average temperatures, resulted in a 16% reduction in potential biomass. NDVI profiles indicate that crop conditions were significantly below average from April to mid-May, and dropped to very low levels by the end of June compared to the 15-year average. 

From mid-April, the spatial distribution of NDVI departure from the 5-year average indicated below-average crop conditions in northern Algeria, whereas 11% of the eastern region showed above-average conditions before May. Accordingly, the VCIx map also presented poor crop conditions. At the national level, VCIx was 0.58 and CALF was 19 % below the 5YA, indicating negative overall effects of the drought. The crop production index for Algeria is 0.93 while the VCI map, particularly for the eastern region, shows moderately favorable crop conditions. This negatively affected the evolution of CPI compared to 2023. Hence, the water shortage and the uneven rainfall distribution had a particularly strong negative impact on crop conditions in the western regions of the country. All in all, crop conditions were below average due to the severe and prolonged drought.

(1) Phenology

(2) NDVI profile

(4) Temperature profile

(4) Temperature profile

(5) VCIx

(6) NDVI departure clustering

(7)CPI time series graph for country

(8) Potential biomass departure from 5YA

(9) Cropped and uncropped arable land

Country’s agroclimatic indicators by sub‐national regions, current season's values and

departure from 15YA, April 2024 – July 2024

RegionCurrent (mm)Departure   from 15YA (%)Current (°C)Departure from (°C)Current   (tMJ/m2)Departure from 15YA   (%)Current (gDM/m2)Departure from 15YA   (%)
Algeria DZA40-7122.01.515823565-16

Country’s agroclimatic indicators by sub‐national regions, current season's values and

departure from 15YA, April 2024 – July 2024

RegionCALFMaximum VCICPI

CurrentDeparture from 5YA   (%)CurrentCurrent
Algeria DZA39-190.580.93