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Authors: xucong | Edit: qinxl
During this reporting period, spring sown maize, wheat, and soybean are grown in Inner Mongolia. Overall, RAIN was close to the 15YA. TEMP (+1.7°C) was above average, while RADPAR was slightly below average (-3%). BIOMASS (+2%) was above 5YA. Crop growth was slightly below-average during this reporting period due to the high temperature and irregular distribution of rainfall. NDVI development graph also reflected the crop greenness were consistently lower than average in the region. The precipitation was below average in May and June, which also have had a slightly negative impact on the rain-fed crops. The NDVI departure clustering map shows about a quarter of the cropped areas displayed average NDVI during this period while the rest was below 5YA before June and it recovered with increased precipitation in July. The fraction of cropped arable land (CALF) was 95%, and VCIx was 0.88. CPI was 1.01. Overall, crop conditions in Inner Mongolia were close to average.
Figure 4.9 Crop condition China Inner Mongolia, April - July 2024
(a) Crop condition development graph based on NDVI
(b) Spatial NDVI patterns compared to 5YA (c) NDVI profiles
(d) Time series rainfall profile
(e) Time series temperature profile
(f) Maximum VCI
(g) Biomass departure