
wall bulletin
South AmericaCrop and environmental conditions in major production zones

Authors: deabelle,fan | Edit: lirui

South America

The reporting period covers the growing season for winter crops (wheat and barley), and the planting of early maize and rice crops at the end of the period. However, the peak planting period for the other important summer crops, such as soybean and rice will start in November. In Brazil, the main maize crop will be sown in February. For the whole MPZ, agronomic indicators showed a significant reduction in BIOMSS (-16%) and a reduction in cropped arable land (-4%) as compared to the 5YA. The maximum VCI was at average levels (0.74). The CPI indicated a substantially lower than average value (0.88) for the current period. Cropping intensity showed a value of 129, a reduction of 1% in relation to five years average. A strong reduction in rainfall (-39%) may have affected the BIOMMS, VCIx and VHIm indices, and could have delayed planting of early summer crops and in consequence affected the CALF value. Temperature and RADPAR showed slight positive anomalies with increases of +0.5°C and +4%, respectively. Conditions varied among subregions, with the poorest conditions in the North (Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Goias, Minas Gerais, and Sao Paulo states in Brazil) and the South (South and West Pampas), and normal conditions in the Center of the MPZ.

BIOMSS showed the poorest conditions in Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Goias, Minas Gerais, West Paraná and Sao Paulo states in Brazil, as well as in South Pampas in Argentina. The best conditions were observed in North West Pampas, North Chaco and Subtropical Highlands in Argentina. VCIx showed poor conditions in similar regions that showed low BIOMSS values (Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Goias, Minas Gerais West Paraná and Sao Paulo states in Brazil and West Pampas in Argentina). Poor conditions in VCIx were also observed in North Pampas, South Mesopotamia and Chaco. Uncropped areas were mostly observed in West Pampas, as well as in part of Chaco and East Subtropical Highlands in Argentina, and in Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Goias, Sao Paulo, West Paraná and Minas Gerais states in Brazil. Conditions reflected by these three indices were consistent in most of the MPZ, with the exception of North West Pampas that showed good conditions in BIOMSS, but low VCIx values and a high amount of uncropped area. Since BIOMSS only depends on precipitation and temperature, the uncropped areas could have affected the value of the other indices. Cropping intensity showed values higher than 1 in East Pampas and South East Chaco in Argentina, West Uruguay, East Paraguay and Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Goias, Paraná and Rio Grande do Sul states in Brazil. It was not related to current conditions in these areas, and is probably more related to historical precipitation in the different regions, e.g. West Pampas is drier than East Pampas.

Rainfall departure was described with five different profiles. Two profiles covered nearly 75% of the area (red and orange profiles) and showed similar conditions, with no anomalies, from July to mid-September. The red profile showed since then strong negative anomalies (near -30%). This profile covered Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Goias, Minas Gerais, Paraná, North East Rio Grande do Sul and Sao Paulo states in Brazil and North East Paraguay. In Argentina, it was observed as small patches in North Mesopotamia and Pampas. In contrast, the orange Profile showed strong positive anomalies at the end of the reporting period and was observed in Humid Pampas, Subtropical Highlands and West Chaco in Argentina, South Uruguay and as small patches in Minas Gerais and Mato Gross do Sul states in Brazil. The other three profiles showed high variability over time with strong positive and negative anomalies. The light green profile showed positive anomalies at the beginning of July and from end of September to mid-October, and negative anomalies at begging of September and end of October. It was located in Chaco, North East Pampas and South Mesopotamia in Argentina, North Uruguay and South Rio Grande do Sul in Brazil. The dark green profile showed positive anomalies at beginning of July and beginning of October and negative anomalies in August and September. It was observed mainly in Santa Catarina State in Brazil. Blue profile showed positive anomalies at end of July and end of August and negative anomalies at mid-August, beginning of September and end of October. It was located in North Rio Grande do Sul State in Brazil, North Mesopotamia in Argentina and South East Paraguay.

TEMP profiles showed a tendency to increase throughout the reporting period. The light green profile showed the strongest negative anomalies, which were observed at beginning of July and end of August. Positive anomalies were observed at the end of September. It covered most of Argentina and Uruguay agricultural areas, and also was observed in South West Paraguay and Rio Grande do Sul state in Brazil. Dark green profile showed slight positive anomalies during most of the reporting period, and strong positive anomalies (higher than 4°C) at end of September and beginning of October. It was observed in Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Goias, Minas Gerais and Sao Paulo states in Brazil. Blue profile showed slight positive anomalies during July and August and stronger positive anomalies in September and October. It was located in Minas Gerais, Sao Paulo and Paraná states in Brazil. The red profile showed a slight negative anomaly in mid-July and strong positive anomalies at end of July, September and October. It was observed in Mato Grosso do Sul and Paraná states in Brazil, North Paraguay and North Mesopotamia in Argentina. The orange profile showed slight negative anomalies at begging of July and August and strong positive anomalies at end of September. It was observed mainly in Sao Paulo, Paraná and Santa Catarina states in Brazil.

Time series for the whole MPZ showed a reduction in NDVI during most of the reporting period in comparison with last year and five years average. Precipitation showed quite variability with positive and negative anomalies throughout the reporting period.

In summary, poor conditions were identified in a large portion of the MPZ where low BIOMSS and low VCIx values were observed. These areas corresponded to South and South West Pampas in Argentina, and Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Goias, Minas Gerais, Paraná and Sao Paulo states in Brazil. In part of these regions, also low CALF values were observed; in particular they were widespread in West Pampas. Poor conditions over these areas could have delayed the planting of early summer crops (maize and rice). Yield reductions can be expected because of poor conditions for growing of winter (wheat and barley) and early summer crops in the mentioned areas. In addition, some crops could be planted later than average under suboptimal environmental conditions.

Figure 2.3 South America MPZ: Agroclimatic and agronomic indicators, July to October 2024.

a) Crop Production Index (CPI).

b) Potential biomass departure from 5YA

c) Maximum VCI

d) Cropped and uncropped arable land

e) Cropping intensity (November 2023 - October 2024)

f) Spatial distribution of rainfall profiles. g) Profiles of rainfall departure from average (mm). 

h) Spatial distribution of temperature profiles. i) Profiles of temperature departure from average (°C).

j) NDVI profiles (South America). In Julian days.

k) Rainfall profiles (South America). In Julian days.