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Authors: 超级管理员 | Edit: xingqiang
Generally, above average rainfall and air temperature in theMPZ advanced the harvesting of wheat and the emergence and development of earlyplanted summer crops. Figure 2.3 summarizes the CropWatch indicators for theMPZ.
Rainfall (RAIN) and temperature (TEMP) were generally favorable between July to October 2014, with 20% above average rainfall and temperature up 2.0°C compared with the period’s average. Average RADPAR provided adequate radiation for crops over the last four months. However, RAIN varied a lot from place to place. Average rainfall dominates Argentina and then or thern Latin American MPZ (Sao Paolo and northern Mato Grosso Do Sul) while Parana, Santa Catarina, and Rio Grande do Sul experienced above average rainfall. Persistent high temperature from July to October together with average rainfall induced water deficit in the central Pampas, which is confirmed by the low VHI (below 35). Regions from northern Mato Grosso do Sulto Sao Paulo suffered from drought due to very warm weather (5.0°C degree above average) and normal rainfall in mid-October. Spatially, VCIx is well correlated with VHIn, indicating that water deficit was indeed the key limiting factor forcrop development in the MPZ for July to October. The average condition of cropswas nevertheless above average, as confirmed by 12% above average biomass(BIOMSS). In Mato Grosso do Sul to Sao Paulo. The spatial patterns of maximum VCI and minimum VHI are paralleled by below average biomass (-20%).
From July to October 2014, 90% of the arable lands were cropped,which is 4% higher than the recent five-year average. Most un cropped arablel and was scattered in the central Pampas, where harvest of soybeans of the previous season concluded in May and planting will take place in November to December. Average cropping intensity for the MPZ is estimated at 169%, 2% up from the recent five year average. A double cropping system dominates most of southern Paraguay and Brazil (Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, and Parana)and central Buenos Aires province.
The persistent high temperature (>2.0°C) shortened the grain filling stage, accelerating wheat maturation and reducing yield accumulation in key wheat producing areas in the MPZ.
Figure 2.3.South America MPZ: Agroclimatic and agronomic indicators, July-October 2014
(a) Spatial distribution of rainfall profiles (b) Profiles of rainfall departure from average
(c) Spatial distribution of temp profiles (b) Profiles of temp departure from average