
wall bulletin
EthiopiaMain producing and exporting countries

Authors: 超级管理员 | Edit: xingqiang

During the Belg season—Belg crops are harvested before August—NDVI fluctuated around the level of there ference values with departures close to 0.1. The Meher crops appear to be generally average, as the late stages occurred in conditions that were average as well(RAIN -2% RAIN, TEMP +0.7°C, RADPAR +0%, and BIOMSS +2%). The NDVI profiles illustrate that the current season was rather similar throughout the country,with differences between areas related to the behavior of NDVI between May and July (with a positive or negative peak in June). In about 20% of the agricultural areas, located in the eastern fringe of agricultural areas bordering Afar and in the central south-west (SNPP), NDVI behavior was average.In about 2.6% of croplands, in the south of SNPP, behavior was very poor.Finally, NDVI behavior in about 75% of the country, particularly in central Amhara and west Oromyia, can be considered favorable to very favorable. The fraction of cropped arable land (CALF) increased by 2%. VCIx values in large part confirm the analysis above based on the NDVI profiles, which means that most Belg and Meher season crops can be ranked as average to above average.

Figure3.12. Ethiopia crop condition, July-October2014

(a) Crop condition development graph based on NDVI  (b) Maximum VCI

(c)Spatial NDVI patterns compared to 5Y                           d)       (NDVI profile