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Authors: 超级管理员 | Edit: xingqiang
Crops in France showed generally favorable conditions during the reporting period from July to October.Currently,summer crops have been harvested. As shown by the NDVI profiles, national NDVI values were well above average and even higher than the five-year maximum in July and August, after which they were close to maximum from September to October. According to the crop condition map based on NDVI, the country's spatial NDVI indicates a situation that on the whole is better than the five-year average. This spatial pattern was also reflected by the maximum VCI in the different areas, with a VCIx of 0.85 for France overall. The CropWatch TEMP indicator exceeded average by 1.1°C, RADPAR and rainfall decreased by 5% and 3%, respectively, below the thirteen-year average, while BIOMSS increased 6% compared to the five-year average. Cropping intensity decreased by4%, compared to the five-year average. Generally, due to the suitable temperatures,the agronomic indicators mentioned above indicate a favorable condition for most summer crop areas of France.
Figure3.13. France crop condition,July-October 2014
(a) Crop condition development graph based on NDVI (b) Maximum VCI
(c) Spatial NDVI patterns compared to 5YA (d) NDVI profile