
wall bulletin
KazakhstanMain producing and exporting countries

Authors: 超级管理员 | Edit: xingqiang

For this monitoring period, crop condition was generally unfavorable during the growing and harvesting stage of spring barley and wheat. Among the CropWatch agroclimatic indicators, RAIN was above average (40%), and TEMP and RADPAR below (-0.7% and2%, respectively). The maximum VCI indicates that crop condition of most arable land in Kazakhstan was below average (pixel value below 0.5) except for the north and east. Excessive rains affected almost the entire country, except forZapadno-kazachstanskaya. Spatial NDVI patterns and profiles show that crop condition in 55% of the agricultural areas was below average, mainly in Akmolinskaya, Karagandinskaya, Kustanayskaya, Pavlodarskaya, Severokazachstanskaya, and Vostochno kazachstanskaya. The low maximum VCI in the sameregions also confirms the impact of excessive rains on crop development. Other areas, such as the north and east, enjoyed good crop condition. According tothe crop condition development graph, however, overall crop condition is both below last year's and the five-year average. CropWatch puts the wheat production at 1% below last year's.

Figure3.18. Kazakhstan crop condition,July-October 2014

Cropcondition development graph based on NDVI         

(c) Spatial NDVI patterns compared to 5YA