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Authors: 超级管理员 | Edit: xingqiang
During the monitoring period from July to October 2014, accumulated rainfall was above the thirteen-year average. Temperature and RADPAR were close to their average values, which resulted in above average BIOMSS in Turkey. During the monitoring period, the summer crops (maize, rice, and potato) harvest was completed, and winter wheat and barley was sown from the middle of September. The agro climatic indices indicate favorable growing conditions, which is confirmed by the BIOMSS increase of 19 percentage points. The national VCIx (0.78) was above average conditions. Except for western Anatolia and the south of Central-Eastern Anatolia, the VCIx map presents a spatial pattern that is consistent with theNDVI cluster map comparing to the five-year average. Crop condition below average for July to September is found in most regions of Anatolia, covering approximately 70% of the national territory. Other areas located in the Istanbul, Marmara, and Western Black Sea regions underwent favorable conditions for the monitoring period. Overall, the outcome of the summer crops is poor,while prospects for the winter crops are normal.
Figure3.29. Turkey crop condition,July-October 2014
a)Crop condition development graph based on NDVI (b)Maximum VCI
(c)Spatial NDVI patterns compared to 5YA (d)NDVI profiles