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Authors: 超级管理员 | Edit: xingqiang
CropWatch agro-climatic and agronomic indicators indicate generally average conditions over most of the north-east region during the reporting period. Harvest of spring crops was concluded in October. “Single crops” including maize, rice, and soybean reach the grain-filling to maturity stages in August to late September. As shown in the spatial NDVI patterns, compared to their recent five-year average and the corresponding cluster profiles, crop condition was above average from May(early growing stage) up to mid-July. However, significant below average rainfall in August stressed crops in western Liaoning province where NDVI was well below the five-year average. Below average BIOMSS confirms the unfavorable conditions in Liaoning. The maximum VCI map still shows above average conditions, but not as good as other places in the region. In the south of Heilongjiang, NDVI was continuously above the five-year average and actually exceeded the recent thirteen-year record (VCIx>1). Overall, the increased maize production in Heilongjiang is due to farmers switching from less profitable crops such as spring wheat and soybean to maize; this offsets the decreased production brought about by the Liaoning drought: the global out puts from the region are slightly above those of the previous year.
Figure4.7. Crop condition China North-east region, July-October 2014
)NDVI background (b)Crop condition development graph based on NDVI
SpatialNDVI patterns compared to 5YA (d)NDVI profiles
Maximum VCI Croppedarable land fraction