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Authors: 超级管理员 | Edit: xingqiang
In spite of crop condition being below last year’s in the Loess region from June to September,at the time of harvest the maize crop condition was slightly better than last year’s and as good as the five-year average. When compared to the thirteen-yeara verage, temperature and precipitation increased by 0.6°C and 10%, resulting ina potential biomass of 10% above average.
The analysis of spatialNDVI clusters and profiles indicates that crop condition is favorable in the east of Gansu, north of Shaanxi, and in most parts of Shanxi, due to the abundant rainfall and suitable temperature and sunlight. That crops are better than the historical average is also confirmed by VCIx in central An huiprovince. On the contrary—and mostly because of drought in August (as confirmedby the maps of potential biomass), crops are in poor condition (compared to the five-year average) in the northwest of Henan and west of Hebei. At the beginning of September, however, crop condition had recovered (it was better than the five-year average) because of the suitable temperature and rainfall.The fraction of arable land actually cropped increased 4% due to suitable temperature and PAR; un cropped arable land is mainly located in Gansu, north of Shaanxi, and scattered areas of Henan, Shanxi, and Henan provinces.
Figure4.10. Crop condition China Loess region, July-October 2014
(a)NDVI background (b)Crop condition development graph based on NDVI
(c)Spatial NDVI patterns compared to 5YA (d)NDVI profiles
(e)Maximum VCI (f)Cropped arable land fraction