
Monthly updates of crop condition for 2018
Monthly updates of crop condition for 2017
Monthly updates of crop condition for 2016
Favorable condition in China in early-April, 2015Monthly updates of crop condition for 2015



In China, winter wheat conditions are favourable and the crop is at jointing (on the North China Plain) to flowing stages (in Southwest China,mainly in Sichuan, Chongqing and Guizhou). The spring wheat is at seedling stage in Northwest China and will be sown in late April to early May in Northeast China. Agro-meteorological conditions are favourable for plantation and seedling. 


In China, conditions are favourable for spring maize. Crops in Northwest China, eastern tips of Southwest China and west part of Southern China are between sowing to seedling stages.


In China, conditions are favourable for rice.The early rice mainly distributed in southern China is at seedling to transplanting stages, and single rice in Southwest China is at sowing stage to seedling stages.


Out of season. Soybean will be sown in May in Northeast China and in June to July in other regions.