Wheat: Spring wheat was at milky-ripening to maturity stage in northern China. In general, crop condition was at the recent 5-year average level due to favorable agroclimatic situation in spring wheat planted area.
Rice: Early rice was at ripening phase;single rice was at tillering to jointing period; late-rice was at seedling stage. Overall, rice crop condition was below average. Affected by strong rainfall and low radiation, early rice and single rice in northern Lower Yangtze region and single-season rice in Huanghuaihai region presented below average crop condition. Moreover, heavy rain may adversely impact on the seedling of late rice in Lower Yangtze region.
Maize: Spring maize was at jointing to tasseling stage in northern China while at milky-ripening to ripening period in southwest China. Summer maize was at seedling to jointing phase. Altogether maize crops were at 5-year average condition. Because of heavy rainfall, poor conditions widely appeared in spring and summer maize of Huanghuaihai region. In contrast,below average precipitation and even drought occurred in Inner Mongolia,leading to poor spring maize condition in this area. Maize in southern and southwestern regions were at favorable conditions.
Soybean: Soybean was at flowering period and was at average situation.
Neighboring regions
Overall, crop condition was below average in areas adjacent to China. Suffering from drought, poor crop condition occurred in the north part of southern Asia, southern Himalayas, northwest of Mainland Southeast Asia and eastern Central Asia. Crop condition was average in East Asia, southern Japan, Boreal Eurasia, Ural to Altai mountains Western Asia and Pamir area.