Wheat: Winter wheat was at seelindg stage. In general, crop condition was below average. Continuously rainy weather adversely affected winter wheat seedling and poor crop condition occurred in the south part of Huanghuaihai region.
Rice: Late rice was at milky ripening to ripening period. Overall, late rice condition was below average. Exposed to continuously rainy weather, poor crop condition widely appeared in Lower Yangtze region. Affected by strong rainfall which was induced by the typhoons of “Sarika” and “Haima”, late rice condition in Southern China was below average.
Maize: Spring and summer maize was out of growing season.
Soybean was out of season.
Rapeseed: Rapeseed was at vegetative stage. Crop condition was below average due to the rainy weather and concurrent low radiation.
Neighboring regions
Generally, crop condition was below the recent 5-year average level in the adjacent regions of China.Poor crop condition widespread occurred in Ural to Altai Mountains as suffering from below-average temperature. In other areas adjacent to China, crop condition was average.