November 2024 CropWatch Bulletin
November 2024 CropWatch Bulletin is based mainly on current remote sensing inputs in addition to detailed and spatially accurate reference data about crops and their management. Focusing on the months of July to October 2024, chapters cover global, national, and regional level agroclimatic conditions and the condition of crops that were growing during this time. For China, the bulletin presents crop conditions for each of seven key agro-ecological zones. The focus section reports on the global crop production index, the estimate by CropWatch for maize, rice, wheat and soybeans production in 2024, recent conflicts and disaster events with an impact on agriculture, the possibility of an El Niño conditions event and the impact of drought on world food supply.
CropWatch Subsystem

CropWatch is China’s leading crop monitoring system. Using remote sensing and ground-based indicators the system assesses national and global crop

Each quarter, CropWatch findings are published in the CropWatch bulletin. The bulletin is issued in English and Chinese.

The CropWatch system and methodologies are described in various articles published in international and Chinese journals.