Feburary 2025 CropWatch Bulletin
The February 2025 CropWatch Bulletin (Volume 25, Issue 1) forecasts the production situation of global staple food and oil crops based on the latest remote sensing data, meteorological data, and ground observation data. Starting from 2025, the frequency of CropWatch bulletins will be adjusted from quarterly to bimonthly, with releases scheduled at the end of February, April, June, August, October, and December each year. This change aims to enhance the timeliness of information and better meet the urgent needs of global users and friends who follow CropWatch for agricultural information. In addition, the structure of the CropWatch bulletin has been innovatively adjusted. Each issue will focus on the dynamic changes in the production situation and yields of global staple food and oil crops, with particular attention to major producing countries and hotspots that significantly impact global food supply during the monitoring period. The February bulletin specifically highlights the production of maize and soybeans in the Southern Hemisphere, as well as the dynamic changes in rice production in equatorial countries, striving to provide more precise data support and analysis for global agriculture.
CropWatch Subsystem

CropWatch is China’s leading crop monitoring system. Using remote sensing and ground-based indicators the system assesses national and global crop

Each quarter, CropWatch findings are published in the CropWatch bulletin. The bulletin is issued in English and Chinese.

The CropWatch system and methodologies are described in various articles published in international and Chinese journals.