
wall bulletin
AustraliaMain producing and exporting countries

Authors: 超级管理员 | Edit: xingqiang

Thecrops in Australia showed generally average conditions during the reportingperiod from April to July. The country’s spatial NDVI indicates a situationthat on the whole is slightly better than the five-year average, except forsome small patches in the central part of New South Wales, the southern part ofVictoria, and the western border area between New South Wales and Victoria. Thisspatial pattern was also reflected by the maximum VCI in the different areas,with a VCIx of 0.89 for Australia overall. According to the crop condition mapbased on NDVI, Australia enjoyed a better situation than the five-year averagethroughout the reporting period and even better than the five-year maximum startingin May. The cropped arable land fraction increased by 8.3%, compared to the five-yearaverage. The CropWatch TEMP indictor exceeded average by 0.8°C and RADPAR was 3%below the previous thirteen-year average. Although rainfall decreased by 17%,the agronomic indicators mentioned above all indicate a favorable condition formost winter crop areas of Australia for the time being. NDVI profiles, however,have been dropping in all areas starting in June, with the approach of winter.(See also table B.2 in Annex B.)

(a) Crop develoment based on NDVI graph             (b) Maximum VCI