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Authors: 超级管理员 | Edit: xingqiang
The harvest of the second rice and wheat crop occurred fromFebruary to mid-April, while the harvesting of maize is completed. The cropcondition in mid-April was inferior to that of both the previous season and thelast five years. The condition shows a sharp decrease of NDVI from February tomid-April. For the period under consideration, the climatic and crop indicatorsshow slightly increased PAR accumulation (+3%), accompanied by slightlydecreased temperature (-0.2°C) in comparison with the last five years. Therainfall and biomass accumulation suffered large decreases by about 40%compared with the last five-year average. Drought-affected areas, particularlyin Kayin state and Sagaing region, are identified by below-average NDVIprofiles (almost 15% of the cropland area). While the NDVI profiles are mostlyaverage in the largely irrigated dry zone, a sharp drop of NDVI in mid-Februaryhappened mostly in Kayah.
Figure3.21. Myanmar crop condition, Jan-Apr 2014
(a) Crop condition development graph based onNDVI (b) Maximum VCI
(c) Spatial NDVI patterns compared to 5YA (d) NDVI Profile