
wall bulletin
GermanyMain producing and exporting countries

Authors: 超级管理员 | Edit: xingqiang

This analysis covers thelate stages of sugar beets (October harvest) and the early vegetative stages ofwinter wheat and winter barley (planted in October). According to HGCA cropupdates, the maize harvest was completed at the beginning of December, 2013. TheCropWatch environmental indices indicate above average rainfall, temperature,and PAR accumulation (3 percent increase, 1.2℃, and 1 percent increase respectivelycompared with the last five years' average), which is consistent with the NOAANCDC report on climate anomalies that Germany experienced the 10thwarmest December since its national records began in 1881. With the positive moistureand thermal anomalies, biomass is expected to increase by 10 percent comparedto the five-year average at the national scale. This observation is confirmedby the NDVI profiles, with the national NDVI values well above average and evenhigher than the five-year maximum (except for a sharp drop at the end ofJanuary). The NDVI clusters also indicate that NDVI values over the country areabove average from the end of October to early January; a sharp drop of NDVI inJanuary is mostly occurring in Niedersachsen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, and Bavaria(the red and blue color). The maximum VCI map presents an overall good cropcondition with one exception in the northwest of Niedersachsen (a), which isconsistent with the red area and red curve in the NDVI clusters (figures (b)and (c).

Figure 3.8. Germany crop condition, Oct. 2013-Jan. 2014 (a)