
wall bulletin
CambodiaMain producing and exporting countries

Authors: 超级管理员 | Edit: zhangxin

Crops in Cambodia displayed around averageconditions over the reporting period, which coincides with the planting of themain paddy crop. Overall, rainfall over the period has been average (0%departure) over much of the country. Climatic indicators and biomass monitoringby CropWatch indicate that the country enjoyed favorable PAR with values about3% higher than the five-year average, as well as a 2% increase of biomassaccumulation. Crop condition, which was below average during mid-July, soonrecovered in the following two months. The maximum VCI was between 0.5 and 1,showing average crop conditions. NDVI profiles show that crop condition wasslightly above average in 12.6% of the cropped areas, and average in 55.3%of croplands. Overall crop prospects for the country are optimistic.

 Figure 3.19. Cambodia crop condition, July-October 2015