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Authors: 超级管理员 | Edit: xingqiang
Crop condition in France was generally favorable over the reporting period. Currently, winter wheat, winter barley, and spring barley are in the vegetative stages, and maize is being planted. Compared with the five-year average, CropWatch agroclimatic indicators show warmer than average weather at the national scale. BIOMSS presents a 27%decrease compared to average as a result of the scarcity of rainfall (-46%) and low radiation (-2%). As shown by the crop condition development graph, nationalNDVI values were well above average and even close to the five-year maximum,except for a noticeable drop at the beginning of March. The spatial NDVIpatterns compared to the five-year average and corresponding NDVI departure cluster profiles also indicate that NDVI values over the country for mostarable land in France are below average from early January to the end of Marchdue to low rainfall. The maximum VCI map nevertheless presents overall goodcrop condition. Generally, due to suitable temperature, the agronomicindicators mentioned above indicate a favorable condition for most winter crop areas of France; however, more rain is needed in the next few months in France.
Figure3.13. France crop condition, January-April2015
(a)Crop condition development graph based on NDVI (b) maximum
(c)Spatial NDVI patterns compared to 5YA (d) NDVI profile